congee, health benefits, traditional chinese medicine

4 Kinds of Congee That Bring Calm

Some foods can help relieve insomnia because of their nutritional value. Chinese medicine considers congee as a food that can improve sleep quality. Check out the following four kinds of sleep-inducing congee (Chinese rice porridge) and their effects. 4 Congee dishes 1. Red dates Place red dates in rice and cook them into a congee. ...

Helen London

A bed and pillows.

The Health Benefits of 9 Types of Fruit

Fruit is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Health experts advise us to eat fruit every day, but do you know which fruits can help you with health benefits? Health benefits of 9 fruit 1. Kiwi fruit Kiwi fruit is diuretic and contains antioxidants that help boost immunity and promote cardiovascular and cerebral functions. Kiwi ...

Helen London

Kiwi fruit on a plate.

An Easy Way to Make Some Lip-Smacking Lavender Almond Milk

Have you tasted some lavender almond milk recently and become addicted to it? If you do not know how to prepare it, the following recipe will help in cooking up some delicious lavender almond milk that is perfectly sweet and creamy. Lavender almond milk recipe For this lavender almond milk recipe, you will need 6 ...

Raven Montmorency

Ancient Chinese Foods That Are Still in Vogue

Ancient Chinese foods are some of the most complex in the world. Some of the Chinese foods that are popular in the country today were introduced several centuries back. The Chinese not only focused on the taste aspect when preparing food, but also on its impact on health and its importance in faith as well. ...

Emma Lu

White rice.

Kakadu Plum: Australia’s Very Own Superfood

The Kakadu plum is a fruit native to Australia and has been used by the Indigenous Aboriginal communities both as food and for medicinal purposes. They have a sour taste with an astringent finish and are best eaten when fully ripe.   Rich in vitamin C Kakadu plums are a storehouse of nutrients. Just 100 ...

Raven Montmorency

Kakadu plums.

6 Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been a prominent component of Indian and Southeast Asian cuisine for centuries. In India, the oil has been used for medical purposes, with the traditional Ayurvedic system mentioning a number of cures that use it as a component. Of late, there has been a growing demand for coconut oil in the West ...

Raven Montmorency

Coconut oil and fresh coconuts.

Milk Substitutes Are Hot!

Milk consumption has been pushed by advertising and schools over the last decade, being promoted as a source of protein and calcium. However, some experts, such as Dr. Clement of California’s Hippocrates Health Institute, say that the nutrient bioavailability of commercial milk is non-existent, especially because it is pasteurized. Thus, milk substitutes might be a ...

Raven Montmorency

Bowl of soy milk and soy beans.

These Soups Can Benefit the Lungs and Help Control Coughs

Autumn is the season in which the yang energy diminishes while the yin energy increases, along with the effect of pollutants in the air that can cause breathing problems and coughing. The following soups can help to clear and moisturize the lungs. Monk fruit and yellow pear soup Monk fruit can promote fluid production while yellow pear can ...

Emma Lu

Monk fruit.

Mangosteen, Bayberry, and Other Exotic Fruits Consumed in China

The Chinese have a fondness for exotic fruits. During your travels to the Asian nation, it is possible that you might come across a few of them. 5 exotic fruits you must definitely try when in China 1. Dragon fruit These exotic fruits are basically the fruit variation of a cactus plant species. Dragon fruit ...

Armin Auctor

Cut white-fleshed dragon fruit.

The Many Benefits of Egg Soup With Goji Berries and Logan Fruit

If your eyes and body feel tired, egg soup with goji berries and logan fruit can help. Goji berries, well-known for their medicinal uses, are effective in lowering blood sugar, preventing the formation of fat in the liver, and helping against atherosclerosis.  They work remarkably well for people with chronic hepatitis and eye diseases, such ...

Helen London

Egg soup with goji berries and longan fruit.