career advancement, empathy, interpersonal relationships, kindness, life lessons, personal development, positive actions, professional success, reaping what you sow, reciprocity, respect, self-improvement, , societal norms, success principles

Reaping What You Sow: How Your Actions Toward Others Shape Your Own Experiences

A renowned celebrity once said that the factors contributing to one’s success can be broadly divided into two categories. Professional knowledge comprises only 15 percent, while personal cultivation, how you treat others, world-handling abilities, and adaptability cover the remaining 85 percent. This statement struck a chord with me. An unforgettable lesson from a company visit ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a wheat stalk in the field with the sun shining in the background.

The Ripple Effect of Kindness: A Tale of Good Deeds Bringing Good Fortune

Here is a tale about the fortune that comes from doing good deeds. It is said that Heaven wouldn’t allow such a kind person to live less than 100 years. During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a scholar who embarked on a journey to the capital to take the imperial examination. ...

Max Lu

Illustration of an elegant white Japanese crane flying in front of cherry blossom trees.

A Small Act of Kindness Helped a Boy with Cerebral Palsy Learn to Walk Again

Living with cerebral palsy is an unimaginable hardship that some people have to go through. But find out how this hardware store employee helped a man’s son with cerebral palsy with just a small act of kindness. Jessica Getty and her husband Mark went to a Lowe’s home improvement warehouse in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania, to buy ...

Mike West

William Getty walking with the aid of parallel bars.

The Power of Forgiveness

It is said that humans are not creatures of logic, but rather of emotions. Human as you are, it is natural for you to feel resentment, hurt, or pain when other people hurt you. Forgiveness is complex, and it involves an intense and complicated process. Before you can forgive the person who has caused you ...

Haidene Go

White stones spelling 'forgive.'

A Rich Bride Helped a Poor Bride and Changed Both Their Lives

In ancient times, weddings were often celebrated with multiple families joining the festivities. One day, two families were marrying their daughters; one bride was wealthy, and the other bride was extremely poor. As they met in the middle of their journey, heavy rain started to fall, and the bearers of both families put their sedan ...

Hermann Rohr

A traditional Chinese wedding ceremony.

20 Powerful Quotes About Kindness to Help You Impact One Life at a Time

Kindness is characterized by acts of generosity, displays of friendliness, and gestures of thoughtfulness. Being kind not only uplifts those around you, but it boosts your own happiness and optimism as well. And as the adage goes, one good turn deserves another. Therefore, your kindness may inspire the same in others. But today, some people ...

Nathan Machoka

Hands holding the world.

Kindness to Others Leads to Rewards for Yourself

Being grateful and repaying kindness is a virtue in Chinese culture. As recorded in historical texts, a single act of kindness or consideration toward others can bring great rewards. Kindness to others generates good karma During the Northern and Southern Dynasties period, there lived a man named Yin Keng from Wuwei Guzang (present-day Wuwei, Gansu). ...

Tatiana Denning

The word 'kindness' etched into a painted stone.

A Kind Woman Makes Amazing Hats and Blankets for Premature Babies

Linda Clarke is a kind soul that offers a glimmer of hope to many. She has dedicated much of her spare time to making crocheted and knitted hats and blankets for cancer patients and the elderly in senior living homes. Linda also makes knitted graduation caps for premature babies in East Tennessee Children’s Hospital neonatal ...

Nathan Machoka

A premature baby.

When Family Is Lost to Internal Conflict

In the book Dream of the Red Chamber, author Cao Xueqin said, in the words of one of his characters: “An external force does not destroy a family, but by internal struggle or internal fighting by all means.”  Internal conflicts can be more destructive than poison, shaking the family’s roots until they break their foundation. ...

Tatiana Denning

A couple having an argument.