anxiety relief, facing your fears, fears, mental health, phobias, relaxation techniques

6 Tips to Conquer Your Fears the Healthy Way

Fear is a normal reaction that helps people avoid dangerous situations or encounters. In instances where fears, you experience physiological responses — flight or fight — that support you in making the safer choice. The physiological arousals that accompany fear include tensing of the muscles, increased blood flow, rapid heart rate, and more. Your body’s ...

Nathan Machoka

Shattering your fears.

Help for Depression: The Power of Trying Something New Every Day

Depression is a common, yet complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The search for effective treatments is ongoing, with an array of options ranging from psychotherapy and medication to lifestyle changes and self-help strategies. One approach that is garnering attention is the idea of trying something new each day to alleviate ...

Nathan Machoka

Silhouettes of a happy family jumping into the air at the beach with the ocean and seagulls in the background.

Harnessing the Power of Meditation: A Neuroscientist’s Insight

In a TED Talk, a renowned neuroscientist shared her personal experience with meditation. She revealed that after practicing meditation for a few weeks, she became more peaceful, handled life’s challenges more effectively, exhibited greater compassion and tolerance, and gained a heightened ability to perceive issues from others’ perspectives, attributing these changes to the power of ...

Mikel Davis

Smiling woman sitting on a yoga mat with her hands pressed together.

How to Properly Relax and Rest Your Brain

Do you often get more tired the more you sleep? Even after eight hours of sleep, you still feel tired. This is because your brain has not appropriately rested. Therefore, you must be aware of three proper resting methods, and when you’ve put them into practice, you will look good and be full of energy! 3 ...

Trisha Haddock

A man yawning.

Financial Stress Can Affect Your Mental Health

Financial stress is affecting people in many different ways. Some are struggling to pay bills, feed the family, or maintain a place to live. Others are meeting their basic needs, but are dipping into their savings for extras. Financial stress is increasing and, understandably, is causing some distress. In recent months, Lifeline [Australian Crisis Support ...

Troy Oakes

A couple stand in the grocery store looking at their receipt with shocked expressions on their faces.

7 Health Benefits of Gardening

Besides putting a meal on your table and adding the oomph to your compound, gardening offers many health benefits.  Gardening exposes you to physical activity and the sun’s vitamin D. The fresh, bountiful harvest of fruits, herbs, and vegetables helps you eat healthily.  Connecting with nature improves mood, boosts energy levels, and may help with ...

Nathan Machoka

A young couple harvesting from their garden.

4 Reasons Why Decluttering Will Improve Your Mind, Body, and Soul

You’re not the only one who feels stressed out by a messy house, and the same is true for others who feel overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning and decluttering. No matter how clean and organized you or your family have been, it’s normal to accumulate a lot of stuff over time. So why not ...

Ratul Saha


Debunking Some Myths About Mental Health

Mental health is a crisis in the world today. 1.6 million people are waiting for mental health services, and another 8 million need care but cannot get on a waiting list due to increased demand over the last two years. As a result, even young children who wish to die are arriving at emergency rooms ...

Ratul Saha

A woman with anxiety.

Magic Mushrooms and the Truth Behind Them: Can They Help With Depression?

Magic mushrooms have grown extremely popular in coping with depression and other psychological struggles. They have become a popular treatment for people suffering from depression. While this alternative has not yet received mainstream acceptance, it still holds some advantages compared to conventional treatment. While every case is different, some people prefer to avoid chemically engineered ...

Mike West

Magic mushrooms.

How to Incorporate Self-Care into Your Everyday Life

Self-care is an integral part of maintaining your mental health and well-being. Yet, despite its importance, many people struggle to incorporate self-care into their daily lives. Whether it’s the pressure of a full-time job, the demands of family life, or the stress of day-to-day activities, it can be hard to find the time and energy ...

Jack Roberts

meditationA young woman meditating.