On January 4, 2025, China’s ideology tsar, Cai Qi, led a national meeting of the nation’s propaganda officials …
PoliticsEditor's Pick
In 1972, President Richard Nixon visited China at a pivotal moment in history. The trip marked a groundbreaking …
TechnologyEditor's Pick
An AI-driven Influence Operation Is Spreading Pro-China Propaganda Across YouTube
by Troy Oakesby Troy OakesA recent investigation from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) has revealed an extensive network of YouTube channels …
PoliticsEditor's Pick
Be Careful What You Watch or Read: Beijing’s Massive Propaganda Machine Is Global
by James Burkeby James BurkeIn George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, the main character, Winston Smith, rewrites history at the Ministry of Truth, …
CorruptionEditor's Pick
Cracking Down on Deceptive Drifters: Facebook’s Sweep of Chinese Troll Accounts
by Viena Abdonby Viena AbdonIf you’ve been an active user of Facebook recently, you may have noticed some changes to your newsfeed. …
Here are two stories that illustrate the idea of “words have consequences,” emphasizing that people should keep their …
Human RightsEditor's Pick
Overcoming Fear and Taking a Stand Against the Chinese Communist Party (Part 2)
This is a two-part story; please go here for Part 1 Moving to Canada to study abroad has …
PoliticsEditor's Pick
Global Scope of Beijing’s Multibillion-Dollar Media Influence Campaigns Exposed
by Rory Karstenby Rory KarstenThe Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spent billions of dollars over the years pushing its narratives by various …
ChinaEditor's PickTechnology
The Great Translation Movement Shines a Spotlight on China’s Propaganda
by Haidene Goby Haidene GoSince the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, China’s propaganda machine has been actively promoting an alternative …
If multiple reports from NGOs and government entities are anything to go by, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) …