alimony, asset protection, debt protection, divorce, emotional stress, family law, financial disclosure, financial planning, inheritance protection, legal agreements, legal costs, marital assets, marriage, marriage planning, prenup, prenuptial agreements, relationships

Getting a Prenup: The Pros and Cons of Prenuptial Agreements

Marriage is a significant step in life, and couples should contemplate various aspects before tying the knot. One such consideration is having prenuptial agreements, popularly known as prenups. But what are their benefits? Who benefits from them? And is it bad if your partner wants one? Understanding prenuptial agreements They are a blueprint for asset ...

Nathan Machoka

A prenuptial agreement.

The Truth About Cohabitation Before Marriage

Moving in with your significant other before marriage was considered taboo for years, and couples would be criticized or shamed. If you look at the situation now, cohabitation with a partner without getting married is deemed more acceptable. Cohabitation before marriage has become prevalent, challenging traditional beliefs and norms surrounding relationships. By sharing a living ...

Viena Abdon

Cohabitation without marriage carries several risks.

The Nature of Jealousy and How to Overcome It

Jealousy is a powerful emotion with a deep-rooted presence in human behavior. It is a natural reaction stemming from fear of loss, be it in affection or attention. Jealousy may be normal, but it’s a negative emotion that eats you from within — leading to feelings of inadequacy and emotional stress.  In this article, we ...

Nathan Machoka


The Art of Emotional Intelligence: 10 Signs of High EQ and Low EQ

In a world where IQ (Intelligence Quotient) often takes center stage, EQ (Emotional Quotient), or emotional intelligence, has gradually become recognized for its crucial role in shaping our relationships, work, and overall well-being. Emotional intelligence is not just about recognizing your own emotions, but also understanding others’ feelings and harnessing this awareness to manage your ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a young caucasian male showing a label-shaped chalkboard with the text 'emotional intelligence' written on it.

Scientific Proof: Telling the Truth Promotes Good Health!

Is it possible that being honest and truthful can lead to good health? Well, there is actually scientific proof that this is indeed the case! Anita E. Kelly, a professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, led a project called the Science of Honesty. In this simple study, 72 healthy adults were randomly ...

Tatiana Denning

Illustration of a heart and a line drawing of an ekg with a regular heart rythm superimposed on an image of a stethoscope.

How Your Relationship With Your Mother Shapes Your Love Life

Most of us grew up with our mothers as our primary caregivers, and it is their love, care, and warmth that most people experience first. A secure attachment with one’s primary caregiver provides a safe platform for exploring the world, reassuring the baby that the outside world is safe with their mother by their side, ...

Nathan Machoka

A mother laughing with her daughters.

7 Boundaries That Will Help Sustain Lifelong Relationships

As human beings, we must keep a “bottom line” or set some kind of boundaries or limitations when maintaining honest, safe, respectful, and trustworthy lifelong relationships. Mencius once said: “Without a pair of compasses and a set square, it is hard to draw a perfect circle and a square.” He was alluding to the fact ...

Emma Lu

Cardboard cutouts shaped like people stand on a table with a bright light behind them.

5 Pearls of Wisdom Contained in Traditional Chinese Weddings

Traditional Chinese weddings carry many cultural connotations and pearls of wisdom. Today, with the disappearance of traditions and the lack of wisdom, many modern-day people have fallen into a great deal of confusion on the issue of marriage and love. 5 pearls of wisdom in traditional Chinese weddings to bring peace of mind and body ...

Michael Segarty

Two wedding bands.

4 Mindfulness Habits That Will Help Keep Relationships Harmonious

Couples generally come together to form lifelong relationships. However, each person has to proactively and sincerely maintain these relationships attentively to achieve this longevity. Practice these 4 mindfulness habits to help build more harmonious relationships 1. Sincerely express appreciation and thankfulness A wife can express her gratitude toward her husband’s contribution to the family when ...

Emma Lu

A couple holding hands.