beneficial, health, life lessons, relationships

4 Painful but Beneficial Situations

Most people seek comfort in life, ignoring the fact that risks might be hidden there. However, things that make you suffer might be blessings in disguise, because they force you to think things over and grow, which often leads to a beneficial outcome. 4 situations that seem distressing in the beginning, but turn out to ...

Nspirement Staff

A woman with outstretched arms at sunset.

What Goes on Inside a Narcissist’s Mind?

Have you ever wondered why a narcissist behaves in such a way or what kind of thoughts these people harbor? When you are able to grasp narcissism, you can then get a better understanding of what actually goes on in a narcissist’s mind.  It is important to know, however, that not all selfish and self-centered people ...

Mike West

Inside a narcissist's mind.

10 Things to Avoid When Arguing With Your Spouse

Relationships have their ups and downs, no doubt. Being happily married doesn’t mean that arguing will never take place with your spouse. When disagreements do arise, there are certain things you absolutely must not do when arguing. Don’t do these 10 things when arguing with your spouse 1. Stop arguing in front of strangers Having ...

Helen London

A couple having an argument.

8 Thoughtful Answers a Wise Father Gives His Son

The relationship between a father and son is very important. While mothers can teach their sons to be kind and gentle, a wise father’s role is to teach their son to be strong and develop wisdom. 8 conversations between a wise father and his son 1. “Dad, some classmates say parents should pay children to ...

Kathy McWilliams

Asian father and young son sitting on the grass and laughing together.

How Do You Know Who the Most Important Person in Your Life Is?

People pay importance to different people in their lives and if you ask a question about who the most important person in their life is, you will get different answers from different people. Some may say they think their parents are most important while for others, their spouse is the most important person. Then there ...

Raven Montmorency

Older husband and wife at a laptop.

3 Key Principles All Relationships Need to Survive

There are many stories on the Internet that will tell you why your relationships are no good or how to meet your soul mate — this is not one of them. This is a story about what three things all relationships need, whether it’s a marriage, the relationships with your children, or friendships. Without these things, ...

Troy Oakes

Young man giving his girlfriend a piggyback ride on an autumn day.

The Price to Pay for Misunderstanding Can Be Very Great

People are usually motivated by good intentions, and seldom is there any question about it. On the other hand, blaming, accusing, jumping to conclusions, and misunderstanding someone’s motives and intentions can bring disastrous consequences. The following eye-opening story related by a lady is such a scenario, with an interesting outcome. I am a person with ...

Michael Segarty

Woman who has arrived home from work.

7 Habits to Uplift Your Spirit and Health

Good health is as much about good habits as being born with a good constitution. It can be tough going and takes a lot of determination both to achieve and keep up with those good habits. Good health impacts your life in so many ways, even your destiny; from finances, to how you perform at work, ...

Tatiana Denning

Planting flowers in a garden.

Gratitude and Obligation: How Couples Stayed Together for Life in Ancient Times

Married life has many kinds of ups and downs for a couple, as well as many joys and challenges. It is certainly not always a bed of roses. Couples have stayed together since ancient times, through the thick and thin. Love and affection for each other, arranged marriages, shotgun marriages, gratitude and sometimes obligation, and ...

Emma Lu

Married life has many kinds of ups and downs for a couple.

3 Ways to Free Yourself From Assumptions

Many of the decisions that you presume are rational tend to be nothing more than mere assumptions. You might be completely unaware that such assumptions exist in your thought process that make you follow through with these decisions. This can make you act or respond wrongly to situations, making things tougher to deal with. For ...

Emma Lu

A woman thoughtfully looking out a window.