adversity quotient, daring quotient, emotional quotient, financial quotient, health quotient, intelligence quotient, mental intelligence quotient, moral intelligence quotient, quotient, spiritual intelligence quotient, success, willintelligence quotient

Beyond IQ and EQ: Unveiling the Hidden Factors of 10 Quotients in Success

Success is multifaceted beyond Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). While IQ measures intellectual capabilities and EQ assesses emotional intelligence, several other quotients can contribute to an individual’s success. 10 different quotients and their significance in achieving success 1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) IQ is a quantitative indicator of a person’s intelligence. It encompasses various ...

Hermann Rohr

People sitting around a conference table attending a business meeting.

9 Work Habits to Be Successful

A person’s success happens for a reason. If you want to be successful in the workplace, you must first know how to be responsible to yourself, have good living habits, and do things smoothly 9 habits for a successful career 1. Punctuality To become more punctual, set your watch, mobile phone, wall clock, and any ...

David Jirard

A man arriving late to a meeting.

10 Habits That Create Successful People

Good habits determine a good life. Your life is the sum of countless habits. If you develop these good habits, you are not far from success. See how many you can do. 10 good habits successful people use 1. Go to bed without the phone The allure of cell phones is too great for modern ...

Emma Lu

A woman celebrating the day.

You May Be Poor, but Maintain Your Character

Although you may be poor, you must maintain your character. Mr. Huang is an old friend of mine. I have known him for about 10 years. When I first met him, he worked as a barber for a monthly salary. He was paid rather meagerly, but despite this, every time I went to him for ...

Emma Lu

Five silver stars, with 4 standing and one fallen over.

Xiao Lin’s Interview Failure Changed His Life

Xiao Lin was a top student majoring in marketing from a designated key college. After graduating, he faced several twists and turns in finding his direction in life. He persevered and was successful in getting the opportunity for an interview with a well-known international company. His failure turned into success and changed his life. The ...

Michael Segarty

Screen of a desktop computer open to an online job application form sits on a desk with an open notebook with colorful sticky notes on it, some folders, and a desk lamp.

The Superior Feng Shui of a Kind Heart

Zhao Zihao made a fortune doing business. For his wife and family to enjoy his success, he bought a piece of land in the suburbs and built a lavish three-story villa. During the construction period, Zhao’s friend advised him to find a feng shui master to survey the property and its environment to make sure ...

Michael Segarty

Landscape architect designing backyard garden plan for a villa.

Inspirational Letter From Liang Jizhang to His Son

This is a very inspirational letter from a well-known Hong Kong radio station host, Liang Jizhang, to his son. The letter is very touching and heartfelt. It contains Liang Jizhang’s perceptions of life and infinite love for his family. Liang Jizhang shares his lessons in an inspirational letter Life is uncertain — nobody knows how long they will ...

Jack Roberts

A father and son typing on a laptop.

Light the Lamp of Gratitude: 2 Inspiring Tales

Gratitude is good for business and its benefits come in all manner of unexpected ways. In the west end of the village where Mr. Chen lives, there is a merchant from Henan who runs a tofu business. The merchant is famous for giving folks who buy his tofu every morning a free bowl of bean ...

Tatiana Denning

A Chinese lamp on a blooming tree.

Good Character Is Your Real Fortune

Your real fortune is neither beauty nor money; rather, it’s possessing good character, which is a passport to a good life. In an indifferent and unpredictable environment, your thinking and reactions depend on the quality of your character. There is a Chinese saying: “If one desires to make achievements in life, his first achievement must be to ...

Emma Lu

A small treasure chest with paper money and coins.

Never Give Up: Failure Is the Beginning of Great Success

In the Universal Manual of Life, if such a book is ever written, one of the first pieces of advice to top the list for everyone could well be: In life, never give up! Perseverance and faith in yourself nearly always lead to success. Turning seeming failure into success An economic crisis turned a successful ...

Emma Lu

A scultured head.