blessings, generosity, hardship, karma, life choices, tolerance, virtue

3 Small Things That Can Bring Blessings

Many people pursue a good life based on material success, such as a high income, expensive homes, and luxury cars. However, these things are temporary and may not bring true contentment. So what types of blessings bring long-lasting happiness in life? The principles of karma and virtue Because good and evil will eventually be rewarded, ...

Tatiana Denning

Silhouette of a man jumping for joy on the beach at sunset.

What Makes a Marriage Thrive for a Lifetime? (Part 3)

This is part three of a three-part series; please see Part 1 and Part 2 How couples have come to marry has changed drastically since ancient times. Initially, couples would marry without getting to know each other before marriage. Then arranged marriages came into being followed by individuals making a conscious decision to select a partner of ...

Emma Lu

Older smiling African American couple at home.

5 Magic Words of Wisdom to Deal With Bullies

There have always been bullies for as long as there have been social relationships. Nowadays, more than ever, there are more ways of being bullied than ever, especially with the internet. So, how does one deal with a bully? 5 magic words to deal with a bully In ancient China, people followed a 5-word mentality ...

Hermann Rohr

Boy being bullied by bigger boy.

3 Key Principles All Relationships Need to Survive

There are many stories on the Internet that will tell you why your relationships are no good or how to meet your soul mate — this is not one of them. This is a story about what three things all relationships need, whether it’s a marriage, the relationships with your children, or friendships. Without these things, ...

Troy Oakes

Young man giving his girlfriend a piggyback ride on an autumn day.

A Blessed Person Has These 8 Uplifting Characteristics and Much More

Life’s journey is rich and varied, bringing both beautiful moments and untold hardships. If you can face all of life with a good and sunny heart, if you are proactive, calm, and unafraid, then you are a truly blessed person and many blessings will be freely given to you. 8 characteristics of a blessed person ...

Emma Lu

The heart of a blessed person.

How to Suffer Properly

A strange question, indeed. What does it mean to suffer properly? Does this question justify suffering? No one likes to suffer, right? So why would you even think of doing it properly? We don’t want to do it at all! End of story. But is it? Is it you who decides your suffering? Think about ...

Emma Lu

A sad woman.

A Real Master

General Zuo Zongtang (1812-1885) of the Qing Dynasty was a fan of the strategic board game Go and also a master at the game himself. One time, while leading soldiers to battle with an enemy, General Zuo and his troops passed by a hut that had a sign hanging on its beam stating: “World’s best ...

Helen London

The Chinese game of go.

The Outstanding King Chu Zhuangwang

Chu Zhuangwang ascended the throne in 613 B.C. During the first three years of his reign, he did nothing other than eat, drink, and have fun. He forbade his courtiers from giving him any advice regarding it. He said: “Whoever dares to give me advice shall be killed.” One courtier named Wu Ju still dared ...

Helen London

The Chu kingdom.

Lack of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance Can Ruin Health

A patient whom I will call Rita came to me to treat her Parkinson’s disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, Parkinson’s disease is called “trembling paralysis.” Rita was referred to me by a doctor of Western medicine. She had been suffering from this ailment for three years. Both her hands trembled, but the right one trembled ...

Armin Auctor

A pink lotus flower.