ephedra, herbalist, patience, traditional chinese medicine, wisdom

The Best Foods for Lung Care in Autumn

According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, autumn has arrived, and it won’t be too long before the weather starts getting cooler. The five elements theory in traditional Chinese medicine posits that autumn is closely related to your lungs, and the focus of your health at this time of the year should be on adequate lung ...

David Jirard

White fungus and lotus soup.

An Introduction to 6 Important Ingredients Used in TCM

Contrary to popular beliefs, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) consists of a sensible diet. Chinese medicine’s practice is to intake certain foods that help keep the body balanced. The whole diet of TCM involves the intake of herbs, fruits, and pulses (dry peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils) with great health benefits. These foods have proven scientific health ...

Mike West

Ginseng root and extract.

An Acupoint to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common condition affecting millions of people. It’s one of the leading reasons for doctor’s visits every year. Fortunately, many factors causing lower back pain are under our control, and by making some simple changes, relief can be right around the corner. Common reasons for lower back pain Lower back pain ...

Tatiana Denning

A man with lower back pain.

‘Discovery’ of an Invisible Organ called a Meridian

In 2018, American scientists published an article in the journal Scientific Reports of Nature, stating that they had uncovered an invisible organ called “interstitium,” or what Chinese medicine calls meridians. Scientists say that the latest discoveries have revealed a “highway” of fluid flow in the human body. This highway seems to be everywhere — under ...

Believe It Or Not

Female acupuncture meridians.

6 Effective Hot Ginger Water Remedies

Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for centuries in China. When making hot ginger water, combine 1 cup of freshly chopped ginger with 2 liters of water in a pot over high heat. Bring the water to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Hot ginger water has ...

Raven Montmorency

A pile of ginger root.

The Ancient Sage Hua Tuo’s and His Medical Miracles (Part 1)

Hua Tuo was a renowned Chinese doctor of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Unfortunately, there is very little known about this legendary doctor’s background or his early years in the existing records. However, in the annals of history and legend, Hua Tuo’s medical skills are dazzling and brilliant. Any individual who cultivates their character and ...

Michael Segarty

A statue of Hua Tuo.

Chinese Character Gives Insight Into Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Chinese character 藥 (yào) refers to medicine or drug. It is composed of two parts. The top part 艹 is the Chinese radical that indicates grass and grass-related plants, including herbs. The lower part 樂 (pronounced yuè or lè) is a Chinese character in its own right. It has two meanings: music, as well ...

Emma Lu

A silver trumpet and various other brass instruments lay in a circle on the ground on a patch of green grass in the shade.

Healing Without Medicine: A Wise Doctor

This is a case about healing without medicine. When I was in college, one of my male classmates was very skinny and weak, and he had poor health throughout the year. He took medicine almost every day. One day, he felt very uncomfortable and asked me to accompany him to the hospital. We registered at ...

Emma Lu

Young man in sitting on the edge of his unmade bed rubbing his sore neck.

Cupping Therapy: What You Need to Know

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), cupping therapy is used for shoulder, neck, and knee pain, twisted or pulled muscles, sunstroke, headaches, chest pain, and even indigestion. In addition, it is a form of alternative medicine in which local suction is created on the skin to dispel stagnation and stimulate blood circulation. When should you have ...

Emma Lu

Cupping therapy on the back.