It is a human and universal desire to attain happiness. You will be hard-pressed to find any sane individual who does not want to be happy. However, it is also true that the definition of happiness is not the same for every person. For some people, joy lies in lofty things and aspects of life. You will also come across people who are capable of finding happiness in things that are small or trivial. The former category will seek something like a luxury car or a posh holiday. In contrast, the latter type can be content with a candlelight dinner at home.

Finding happiness in the small things
It is necessary to be happy with the small things in life. Chasing lofty dreams and eyeing costly and rare objects for gratification can lead to complications and despair. While some people work hard to achieve their goals, that may not be the case with everyone. Sometimes, your situation or factors beyond your control keep you away from achieving your desired things and targets in life. The key is finding happiness and gratification in the small things in life. It varies from one person to another. You may be happy eating a home-cooked meal with friends, while there are people who are content with watching movies they like or eating foods they love.
It is not hard to find happiness in the small things in life. If you have any doubt about it, observe children. It is amazing to watch how kids become elated at things that seem small or trivial. You will find plenty of toddlers chasing butterflies, blowing bubbles, or craving colorful balloons at any park or fairground. These are the things that make them delighted. These may not have much importance for adults, though. If children can be happy with the small things and do not raise complaints about not getting many things, there is no reason why grownups can’t follow the same path.
Adults can’t be happy with the small things in life because they are subjected to peer pressure and become judgemental with age. The reliance on social media to express status and assess others is another reason. You have to understand that everyone has a different mindset and varying priorities in life. Just because a colleague or friend has bought a costly phone or brought home an expensive bike, it does not mean you have to do the same to feel happy. Your happiness is not defined by things that make others happy.

Take a break
If you want to rediscover how to become happy with little things, it is necessary to take a break from your daily schedules and tasks. Choose a weekend when you want to spend time doing things that make you genuinely happy. Spend such weekends with yourself and try recalling activities and things you used to like earlier. It can be going to a seaside place or tasting a new dish at a new eatery. Disconnect from the digital platforms and devices on such days and you will find peace by exploring your inner self. Getting close to nature can be therapeutic and effective in this regard. You can also think of meeting friends in person with whom you have been interacting using social media platforms for a long time.
To find happiness in the small things, it is necessary to be mindful of the things you have accomplished. You remain so busy with your chores and work tasks that your achievements get overlooked. Take a break occasionally and remind yourself of something you have achieved in your life, both personally and professionally. You will also need to develop a sense of gratitude for being in a better position than many other persons. You may not have an expensive, lavish apartment, but the small flat you live in is what millions below the poverty line can only dream of!
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