Environment, Featured

Lead Toxicity Risk Factors in Philadelphia

Philadelphia is the poorest large city in the United States. It’s also unusual in having a high proportion of homeowners compared to renters. Taken together, this means that poorer homeowners may lack the funds to maintain and make needed repairs to their homes, leaving them at risk of a variety of related health issues, including ...

Troy Oakes

Boy riding piggy-back.

Legendary Chinese Jade

Jade communicates a sense of mystery. In Chinese, jade refers to a fine, beautiful stone with a warm color and rich luster, skillfully and delicately carved. It symbolizes nobility, perfection, constancy, and immortality. For millennia, it has been an intimate part of the lives of Chinese of all classes. Jade is viewed as the most ...

Emma Lu

Carved jade ornament.

Only ‘Blessed People’ Know Where Blessings Come From

There is well-being in a home that accumulates virtue, as blessings abound. If you are willing to give warmth to others, this warmth will not disappear, but it will be preserved in the hearts of those who received such warmth. The giving of that warmth is a reward in itself. When you are in need, others ...

Michael Segarty

A tree with pink blossoms beside a stream with an ancient Chinese-style house in the background.

12 Ways You Can Gain the Respect of Others

If you respect others, you’d also want them to treat you back with the same level of respect. It feels good to be treated with regard and appreciation, so we aspire to be respected, whether in our personal or professional lives. However, how exactly do you gain the respect of the people around you? To ...

Arianne Ayson

Man and woman shaking hands.

4 Reasons Why Multitasking Makes You More Unproductive

Multitasking appears to be a great way to get a lot done at once, but a study has revealed that your brain isn’t quite as capable of juggling numerous things as you would like to believe. Doing numerous tasks at once, according to the experts, might actually reduce your productivity by diminishing your understanding, concentration, ...

Haidene Go

Frustrated man being handed three things at once while trying to talk on the phone and work on a report at the same time.

Prince Bishop Release the Blistering Single ‘Roman Roads’

Prince Bishop, a Durham-based alt-rock outfit, recently released their tuneful single Roman Roads, another sonic exploration that follows the band’s celebrated 2021 single Come Alive. The song begins with the sounds of a melodious guitar and a strong sense of journey — my mind has already cracked open the car window and I enjoy the ...

Jessica Kneipp

Black and white photo of The Durham-based alt-rock outfit Prince Bishop.

Mindfulness to Reduce Stress and Relax More

Are you sleeping restlessly? Feeling irritable or moody? Forgetting little things or feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry. We’ve all been there. You’re probably just stressed out. Have you ever heard of mindfulness? We all know what it’s like to feel stressed, and we deal with it differently. But how much stress is too much? Your body will ...

Haidene Go

Young dad sits on the floor of the living room looking stressed out as four kids jump around the room, full of energy.

Nutritious Tuna Cakes With Vegetables Plus Pumpkin

Delicious tuna cakes with vegetables plus pumpkin is a meal that will win the hearts of many families. After a hard day’s work, nothing is simpler than using a convenience food such as canned tuna. This healthy food is rich in protein and contains many vitamins and minerals, such as B-complex vitamins, vitamins A and ...

Jenny Low

Convenient and nutritious pumpkin tuna fish cakes with vegetables.

Top 10 Foods to Nourish Gut Bacteria and Boost ‘Happiness’

Have you ever experienced being in the company of individuals who are frequently moody and unpleasant? Unbeknown to most people, such unpleasantness and moodiness could be a reflection of the unsuitable and poor composition of gut bacteria. The state of one’s mind and body are closely related to one’s digestion and gut bacteria.  10 common ...

Emma Lu

Bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and milk.

How NFL Star Anthony Harris Surprised an 11-Year-Old Female Fan

What relationship does Anthony Harris have with an 11-year-old female fan? Father-daughter dances are wonderful occasions that many young girls anticipate. It is a lovely time between a girl and her father to build a stronger bond. It also signifies a girl’s gratitude for her father’s love and guidance. As girls grow older, many would ...

Haidene Go

Audrey and Anthony sitting on a bench together.