Mind & Spirit, Featured

15 Ways to Create Balance in Your Life

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Do you feel like you can’t keep up with everything on your plate? If so, it’s time to learn how to get your life back into balance. In this post, we’ll discuss some simple tips that will help you restore order and balance to your life and reduce stress. ...

Emma Lu

Wooden clock with upper half blue with numbers in white and lower half white with numbers in blue and notes stuck to the hands that say "work", "life", and "balance".

Medicinal Properties of Irish Moss

By Anthony Langstone, courtesy of New Land Magazine During the potato famine of 19th century Ireland, Irish moss saved thousands of people from starvation. Also known as carrageen moss (meaning moss of the rock in Irish), it is named after the coastal town of Carragheen in southeastern Ireland. It is also found on the northern ...

Audrey Wang

Seaweed along the waterline at the beach.

The Healing Impact of Music

People listen to music for various reasons. For some, it is the best companion when they are sad or lonesome. For others, it serves as the companion to match their energy levels as they groove to loud songs and pop tracks. It is not without reason that mothers resorted to singing soothing lullabies at bedtime ...

Emma Lu

A young mother holds her newborn child while sitting in a white rocking chair in the nursery.

A Guide to Finding Happiness and Beauty in the Small Things

It is a human and universal desire to attain happiness. You will be hard-pressed to find any sane individual who does not want to be happy. However, it is also true that the definition of happiness is not the same for every person. For some people, joy lies in lofty things and aspects of life. ...

Emma Lu

Family being greeted by grandparents as they arrive for visit on Christmas day with gifts.

Stem Cell Clinics and Their Dirty Secrets

Stem cell treatments are still in the experimental stage, with a lot more advanced research required before treatments make it into the mainstream. However, that hasn’t stopped American “stem-cell tourists” from traveling to unregulated clinics in Mexico, the Caribbean, and China searching for stem-cell treatments for just about anything, from heart treatments to facelifts. In ...

Troy Oakes

Stem cell research pipette and PCR plate.

Keeping Traditional Crafts Alive in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, the island drawing millions of tourists worldwide, has numerous things to see and do, for sure. However, its attractions are not limited to the delectable cuisine, swanky shopping malls, ancient temples, and glitzy theme parks. The tourists exploring Hong Kong are also enticed by its traditional crafts that are being passed from one ...

Emma Lu

Young Asian woman wearing a traditional red and gold kwan kwa wedding dress.

Children With a Promising Future Have These 4 Traits

As the saying goes: “the boy is the father of the man.” Character traits nurtured and encouraged in children will have a lifelong impact, so early childhood education is crucial in determining a person’s future path. Successful adults often display some of these characteristics as children  1. Extraordinary creativity Knowledge is taught; creativity is inborn. ...

Kathy McWilliams

Two girls sitting at a wooden table and coloring together.

Changing Course Begins in the Mind

How do you cope with the changes taking place around your life? The answer is both complex and straightforward. First, you have to prepare your mind for changing course. However, it is easier said than done. To cope with the hurdles and unexpected life changes, you will have to prepare your mind accordingly. This can ...

Jack Roberts

Cars approaching highway signs at night.

10 Tips for a Greener Lifestyle

It’s a fact — you lead a busy life. You want to live a greener lifestyle, but time and money get in the way. Do you ever find yourself making excuses? “I already have too much to do.” “I can’t afford expensive eco-friendly products.” “I don’t know where to start.” Start here and now with ...

Raven Montmorency

A selection of melons, tomatoes, zuchini, eggplant, and various kinds of peppers at a stall at a farmers market.

Are Asian Children Too Smart for the American Education System?

Despite many Asian children coming from poor immigrant families where they often struggle to make ends meet, education is held in the highest regard, the ultimate success marker. But, unfortunately, parents of students of other races don’t know what to do. Leveling the playing field with Asian children The city is struggling to figure out ...

Max Lu

Young Chinese boy writing in a notebook.