Mind & Spirit, Featured

5 Strategies to Cultivate Hope

Life has unexpected ways of unfolding. Often compared to a roller coaster ride, a person has to go through ups and downs. Even then, rarely does anyone understand what life is all about. With all the suffering going around, life does seem to be going downhill for everyone. But many are holding onto hope. Being ...

Raven Montmorency

Yellow flower growing through a crack in the sidewalk, hope concept.

Sticks and Stones Break Bones, but Negative Words Still Haunt Me

The majority of us may be familiar with the following saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” However, negative words embed themselves in young minds. Am I right? Do you resonate?   What does this saying mean for you?  Previous studies have found increased anxiety levels in children associated with ...

Katrina Hicks

Sticks and stones laying together on a white background.

Celestial Master Zhang Taught People to Eliminate the Plague Without Medicine

Zhang Ling was a Taoist master during Emperor Han’an’s reign. Legend has it that the red-faced, green-eyed master had vast supernatural powers, including being able to drive out demons. In the first year of Emperor Han’an’s power (A.D. 142), Laozi descended from heaven and imparted Taoist scriptures to Zhang and gave him the title of ...

Max Lu

Rays of light from the sun shining through clouds.

Life Lessons From Nature

“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” — John Muir Ah, nature’s wisdom. It’s a balm for the spirit and an education for the soul. It has nurtured a wealth of poetry and literature, inspired some of the most treasured works of art, and moved musicians to create ...

Tatiana Denning

Buddha statue in a garden.

How Do People With Introversion Get Along in Life?

An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas rather than what’s occurring externally. They enjoy spending time with a few people, rather than in large groups. They also place high importance on their privacy.   Introversion ...

Katrina Hicks

Blond man sitting outside alone, reading a book, concept of introvert with introverted personality.

Did You Know Meditation Can Help You Make Fewer Mistakes?

Stress, constant workload, and the often-hectic daily routine make a person forgetful. While this is not always harmful, forgetting to send an important email or not meeting a deadline because you messed up the dates does cause you to lose financially and some of your credibility as a professional. One way to overcome this is ...

Emma Lu

Meditation silhouette at sunset.

Children Learning to Use Mindfulness to Navigate Complex Feelings

When listening to children, you always hear something you just don’t expect. They can be unexpectedly articulate about their emotions and often have a grasp on understanding feelings better than most adults. In the short film Just Breathe, children learn to use mindfulness to navigate complex feelings. ‘Just Breathe’ Filmmakers Julie Bayer Salzman and Josh ...

Wilma Oakes

Young girl.

Are These Life Lessons Really From a 90-Year-Old?

With age comes wisdom, but Regina Brett, the author of a popular list of life lessons, is only 54 years old, not 90! When she was 45 years old, Regina wrote down 45 life lessons that life had taught her, and on her 50th birthday, she added 5 more. Her life lessons were emailed around the ...

Wilma Oakes

Elderly woman with blue denim shirt stands with an electric scooter at the base of some concrete steps.

Happiness: Cultural or Scientific?

Happiness is to be in a state of true joy, a moment of being genuinely “happy.”  At the time of writing in 2021, there are close to 8 billion people living in the world according to the WorldOMeter.  In March 2021, the BBC reported that Finland ranked as the happiest country in the world. The World Happiness Report, supported ...

Katrina Hicks

Ethnically diverse group of men and women smiling for the camera.

How to Forgive Yourself

Making mistakes is nothing unnatural and all of us err at some point or the other. While we may often forgive others, we are usually pretty hard on ourselves. You may find it difficult to forgive yourself. Psychologists and mental health experts opine that forgiving yourself is very important for ensuring your well-being — physically, ...

Raven Montmorency

Young sad woman with her head on her knees.