Editor's Pick, Relationships, Sustainable Living

6 Habits That Will Help Children Have a Good Life

Ye Sentao, a famous educator, said: “Education means developing good habits.” Childhood is the beginning stage of your life, and it’s a crucial period for developing habits. If parents are mindful of their children developing good habits, it will be difficult for their children not to grow up to be good adults in the future! ...

Wilma Oakes

A young girl looking through her clothes.

Be Friends With People Who Have These 4 Good Character Traits

People recognize each other by appearance, but they interact with each other because of their character. Good character is the source of trust and the proof of deep friendship. No matter who you are or what you do, character plays a big role. People with good character usually have the following 4 traits 1.  Not ...

Nspirement Staff

Three women sitting on a bench laughing.

Humane Ways to Stop Prehistoric Ants Entering Your Home

You may start seeing ants in your home when the weather heats up. Although it’s easy to see them as a nuisance and treat them as a pest, they are believed to have originated at the end of the Mesozoic Era, in a time known as the Cretaceous, some 145 to 66 million years ago. According ...

Audrey Wang

Ants entering a home.

Correcting Behavior in a Child Who Won’t Listen

Children are often very explorative, but their curiosity can make it so they are hard to discipline. The process of teaching them to listen can be very frustrating for some parents and when not taught correctly, this could lead to some actions that could result in permanent behavioral changes. Understanding the reason behind a child ...

Mike West

An upset young girl not wanting to listen.

8 Things Not to Have Around Your Bed When Trying to Sleep

Sleep is necessary and plays a very important part in your life. A serene environment is essential to ensure a restful night’s sleep. Currently, it is found that most people are habitually placing electronic and personal items on and around their beds for convenience. Few realize that some of these harm your health. It is wise ...

Emma Lu

A cluttered bedroom.

How to Spur Self-Growth When Traveling

Self-growth requires planning, goal-setting, reflection, and self-awareness. You grow by challenging yourself and going out of your comfort zone. That’s why traveling fosters personal development.  When you travel, it makes you more independent, creative, and empathetic whether you are relocating or taking a vacation. In addition, it’s a way to improve your patience, global awareness, ...

Nathan Machoka

A woman standing on railraod tracks with a suitcase.

A College Trio’s Genius Recycling Program In New Orleans

In 2020, New Orleans was greeted with a game-changing glass recycling initiative led by a team of three college students. The team of three comprised Franziska Trautmann, Max Steitz, and Max Landy, all of whom are founders of Plant the Peace. As part of their advocacy for a healthier world, they devised a genius recycling program ...

Mike West

Glass bottles for recycling.

The Therapeutic Effects of Indoor Plants

The results are in and the benefits of indoor plants are many. From improving air quality to boosting your mood, there are plenty of reasons to add a plant or two (or ten!) to your home décor. Here, we explore some of the top scientific findings on the matter so that you can make an ...

Emma Lu

Two potted plants and a vase with pink flowers.

Renewable Energy Sources and Their Environmental, Social, and Economic Benefits

The world is continually changing, and with a growing collective awareness of the harmful impacts of fossil fuels, many countries are looking for alternative renewable energy sources to mitigate that damage. What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is derived from naturally occurring solar, wind, and water sources that are “essentially inexhaustible.” It is a type ...

Haidene Go

Solar panels and wind turbines.

What Goes on Inside a Narcissist’s Mind?

Have you ever wondered why a narcissist behaves in such a way or what kind of thoughts these people harbor? When you are able to grasp narcissism, you can then get a better understanding of what actually goes on in a narcissist’s mind.  It is important to know, however, that not all selfish and self-centered people ...

Mike West

Inside a narcissist's mind.