
The Yellow Indian Ayurvedic Spice With Tremendous Health Benefits

Turmeric, known scientifically as Curcuma longa, is one of the most praised spices in the traditional Indian Ayurvedic system. Referred to as the “golden spice,” turmeric is seen as an excellent solution to remove toxins from the body. Sayan, a commentator of the Hindu holy book Veda, has stated that the spice has the ability ...

Armin Auctor

A bottle of turmeric powder.

4 Food Groups That May Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Epidemiological studies find that breast cancer is closely related to mental stress, unhealthy lifestyle habits — such as drinking, smoking, and staying up late — as well as poor dietary habits. High-risk cancer-inducing foods include those that are fried, pickled, contain high-fat content, and processed food like sausages, ham, and bacon. Eating less of these ...

Helen London

A large varity of fruits and vegetables.

6 Secrets to Better Sleep and Longevity

What common things do people do before bed? Watch TV? Browse the Internet? Play computer games?⁠ From a health standpoint, the hour before going to sleep is very important; it’s said to be a golden opportunity for increasing longevity. Many Asian people have a long lifespan, perhaps because they’ve incorporated these six secrets into their ...

Raven Montmorency

A pleasant bedroom.

3 Acupuncture Points That Can Help Relieve Sciatica

Sciatica is a medical condition characterized by sharp pain and numbness radiating down the sciatic nerve, from the lower back to the buttocks and down the leg. It’s most commonly found in people aged between 25 and 45, and it’s typically only on one side of the body. There are multiple potential causes for sciatica; the ...

Emma Lu

Sciatica is a medical condition characterized by sharp pain and numbness radiating down the sciatic nerve.

Intermittent Fasting: The No Drama Diet Program

In the past, people rarely ate more than three meals a day. But today, people have fridges and cupboards full of sweets, snacks, and other foods. It’s almost as if human beings have developed a tendency to keep eating every hour or two. This is a dangerous habit since it leads to weight gain and ...

Raven Montmorency

Intermittent fasting.

Doctor Warns Against Doing This One Thing Before Bed

Mr. Hu lit up a cigarette, as he usually does after a long day at work, and took in a deep breath. As he smoked, he started to feel a dull pain in his chest, which gradually worsened into intense squeezing pain. He was covered in sweat. A series of tests ordered by a doctor ...

Raven Montmorency

A double bed.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Integrated With Modern Allopathy

China is seeing a big resurgence in public interest in traditional Chinese medicine. Modern medicine (allopathy) is thought to be less holistic when compared to centuries-old traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). As such, there are attempts to combine the two medical systems to create the best of both worlds. Traditional Chinese medicine According to TCM, a ...

Max Lu

An acupuncture dummy.

The Incredible Medicinal Properties of Bamboo

Bamboo is the tallest member of the grass family and is known to have several pharmacological uses. There are more than 1,600 species across 120 genera. Its shoots are rich in vitamins, protein, fiber, and minerals while being very low in fat. Combating various types of cancer Bamboo contains a class of complex organic polymers ...

Raven Montmorency

A pile of bamboo.

Taiwan Hospital Performed Groundbreaking Heart Transplant Surgery

During Ms. Chen’s tour of Japan in October 2018, she was stung by a bee and ended up requiring heart transplant surgery. Being severely allergic to bee venom, she suffered from pain and swelling around the area of the bee sting. On her return to Taiwan, Ms. Chen visited her physician, who ordered some exploratory ...

Armin Auctor

The heart transplant team.

Foods as Medicine: 12 Ingredients for Better Health

You can strengthen your immune system and maintain your health with good habits and a nutritious diet — e.g., better food, reducing your reliance on medication, and understanding foods as medicine. 12 beneficial foods that act as medicine 1. Bitter gourd (bitter melon): Hypoglycemic for the blood Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, can ...

Raven Montmorency

Bitter melon.