Foods With 5 Colors Benefit Health the Most

In Chinese culture, food and medicine are closely related. The practice of traditional Chinese medicine places great emphasis on achieving balance in one’s body for the regeneration of the body’s systems and organs. This balance is referred to as yin and yang. An important aspect in attaining a balanced yin and yang is having well-rounded ...

Emma Lu

Foods with five colors.

Top 5 Fruits Good for Health In Winter

Cold weather is upon us, so we’d like to show you the top 5 fruits for good health in winter to help you increase your well-being all season long. As winter arrives, you’re prone to coughs and flu. Also, for a few of us, winter could lead to weight gain. So is there any fruit ...

Armin Auctor

Fruit at a fruit market.

These 2 Fruits Are Beneficial for Diabetics

Diabetes is a common chronic disease, with adults aged 45 to 64 being the most diagnosed age group for this disease. In the United States, the National Diabetes Statistics Report stated that an estimated 29.1 million people of all ages, or 9.3% of the total U.S. population, were diabetics in 2015. It is well known ...

Audrey Wang

Avoid Taking a Cold Shower in These 10 Situations

Taking a cold shower on a hot summer day can feel really refreshing; however, people may suddenly develop a serious medical emergency if the shower is taken under certain circumstances. Do not take a cold shower when in the following 10 situations 1. When sweating heavily Sweating dilates the arteries just under the skin, as ...

Kathy McWilliams

Shower head running.