Good Deeds Bring Good Karma

In today’s modern world, people may have a hard time believing in what they cannot see or accepting what they cannot fully understand. Therefore, people may think that what they do in this lifetime has no bearing on their future. But the ancients knew that, while we may not fully understand our karmic ties, good ...

Tatiana Denning

An Indian palace.

It Takes Patience to Succeed

You are typically taught patience is a virtue from a very young age. Few people, though, are taught or demonstrated how to be patient. Being patient is something you choose to do; it’s not something you are not born with. The more you exercise patience, the more tolerant you become, just like any other discipline ...

Viena Abdon

A woman showing patience.

Ways to Make a Man Feel Loved and Appreciated

Barbara de Angelis said, “You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.” When you’ve lived with your partner for a long time, it’s easy to become overtaken by daily routines. Life just happens. Kids, long working hours, and different routines can make a man feel less needed and loved.  You don’t need ...

Nathan Machoka

A man giving his partner breakfast in bed.

Inspiring Ancient Tale – Getting Good Returns With No Pursuit

The ancient moral tale Getting Good Returns With No Pursuit comes from Treasured Tales of China Vol. 2. This book is filled with historical stories and legends that foster morality and virtue. The short stories take us back to ancient times in China and the book sparkles with wisdom. It is translated by Dora Li and edited by Evan Mantyk and ...

Jessica Kneipp

A beggar woman in black.

Wisdom of the Ancients: ‘Ugly Women’ 

In today’s world of instant beauty fixes, Instagram posts, and social media influencers, it is easy to forget that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. While some think that contouring makeup and padded underwear make a woman beautiful by current standards, the ancient Chinese people had other ideas, and “ugly women” were not ...

Helen London

Painting of the imperial court in ancient China.

How to Spur Self-Growth When Traveling

Self-growth requires planning, goal-setting, reflection, and self-awareness. You grow by challenging yourself and going out of your comfort zone. That’s why traveling fosters personal development.  When you travel, it makes you more independent, creative, and empathetic whether you are relocating or taking a vacation. In addition, it’s a way to improve your patience, global awareness, ...

Nathan Machoka

A woman standing on railraod tracks with a suitcase.

The Elixir of Good Health: ‘Honesty’ 

Honesty is one of the essential virtues of being a human being. Being honest with each other can establish good communication, while lying has negative consequences. We all know that lies will eventually see the light of day. A scientific study on “honesty” found that telling the truth over a long period of time had ...

Helen London

A smiling African American couple.

The Astonishing Impact of Our Thoughts 

“Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.” — Buddha  Much like clouds floating across the afternoon sky, a multitude of thoughts come and go through our minds each day. In fact, a 2020 study found that the average person has over 6,000 thoughts per day. That’s a lot of thinking!   But how many ...

Tatiana Denning

Serious young woman lost in her thoughts.