The Injustice of Dou E

Dou E Yuan, commonly translated as The Injustice of Dou E, is the masterpiece of Guan Hanqing, a playwright during the Yuan Dynasty (A.D. 1271-1368 ). The full Chinese title of the play is Gan Tiang Dong Di Dou E Yuan, which translates to The Injustice of Dou E That Touched Heaven and Earth. This story ...

Armin Auctor

A judge's gavel and block.

Karma and Consequences: Tales of Moral Retribution in Traditional Chinese Culture

The concept of moral retribution is fundamental in traditional Chinese culture. The saying “People act, Heaven watches” implies that every choice between good and evil shapes your future. Regardless of modern belief, this principle continues to influence actions and events. The Song Dynasty scholar Hong Mai documented various actual events of karmic retribution in his ...

Mikel Davis

Rock painted with the Yin-Yang symbol sits on a beach.

Zhu Yuanzhang’s Rule: An Iron Fist Against Corruption and Lawlessness

As the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang, also known as Ming Taizu, was determined to build a strong, powerful, and morally upright empire. One of his primary strategies involved strict governance and a zero-tolerance policy for corruption and lawbreaking, even among his family members. This commitment to justice and integrity profoundly affected the ...

Hermann Rohr

Zhu Yuanzhang.

The Timeless Virtue: How the Power of Morality Shapes Your World

In a world that often seems driven by power and force, a timeless principle continues to inspire and guide humanity: the power of morality. Throughout history, those revered and respected are individuals were of high morality. It’s not the might of armies or the decree of laws that win the hearts and minds of people, ...

Max Lu


The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Courageous Act That Preserved History

The sudden collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989 marked not only the physical dismantling of a barrier but also the symbolic crumbling of an oppressive regime. The East German State Security Service, known as Stasi, was a formidable force that had, for decades, instilled fear in the hearts of the people it was supposed ...

Max Lu

Germans celebrating at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

The Earth God Helped the Police Catch a Thief

In modern society, many people may not believe in gods and Buddhas and consider them superstitious. However, instances of divine intervention are not unheard of. The following case from Taiwan illustrates that “the heavens are not blind to human affairs” and can even help the police. Stolen cables According to the Central News Agency, power ...

Emma Lu

Electrical cables.

70 Percent of Australians Don’t Feel in Control of Their Data

Australian consumers don’t understand how companies — including data brokers — track, target, and profile them. This is revealed in new research on consumer understanding of privacy terms, released by the non-profit Consumer Policy Research Centre and UNSW Sydney. Our report also reveals 70 percent of Australians feel they have little or no control over ...

Troy Oakes

Data is collected while using a computer.

What Happens When We Outsource Boring but Important Work to AI?

In 2009, an Air France jet crashed into the ocean, leaving no survivors. The plane’s autopilot system shut down and the pilots, having become reliant on their computerized AI assistant, were unable to correct the situation manually. In 2015, a bus driver in Europe typed the wrong destination into his GPS device and cheerfully took ...

Troy Oakes

A GPS map in a vehicle.