Motivating Your Teenager to Exercise: 13 Strategies for Encouraging Healthy Habits

Getting teenagers to exercise in today’s technologically advanced world might be difficult. Adolescents are naturally distracted by social media, video games, and school expectations, so getting them to exercise may often feel like an uphill fight.  On the other hand, establishing lifelong healthy habits in teenagers can pave the way for overall health. Encouraging them ...

Viena Abdon

Young women playing soccer.

How to Say Goodbye to Oversleeping

Too much sleep, too little sleep, and staying up too late are all bad things. While these actions could have unintended consequences, oversleeping is another routine that could harm your health. If you want to improve your health and the quality of your day, you need to learn how to quit oversleeping and put that ...

Viena Abdon

Alarm clock in the foreground with a young man sleeping in the background.

Uncovering the Benefits of E-Bikes: Debunking Common Myths

Is e-biking the lazy person’s alternative to traditional bicycles? Many people once believed so, but recent studies have shown that electric bikes, or e-bikes, encourage people to be more active. Over the past few years, e-biking has become a game-changer in the world of transportation and exercise, and for a good reason.  What is an ...

Haidene Go

An e-bike.

10 Effective Strategies to Sharpen Your Concentration

In today’s world of constant distraction, improving your concentration is a skill worth developing. The excellent news is focus and concentration are like muscles that can be strengthened with practice. By employing a few simple strategies, you can tune out diversions and hone your ability to focus. 10 proven techniques to boost your concentration and ...

Viena Abdon

A neatly organized work space.

8 Research-Based Tricks for Waking Up Early

Waking up early is a habit many successful people swear by, and for good reasons. Early mornings will give you peaceful and uninterrupted time to work on personal development, focus on projects, or enjoy solitude. Studies suggest that waking up early is not for everyone. People are either early birds or night owls from birth. ...

Nathan Machoka

A woman waking up early and stretching.

Can Coffee Help You Avoid Weight Gain? Here’s What the Science Says

Coffee is well recognized as having a positive impact on long-term health. Drinking the equivalent of three to four cups of instant coffee a day reduces the risk of many health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Most people gain small amounts of weight each year as they age. But can ...

Troy Oakes

Ground coffee.

Unleash Your Mental Potential: 9 Benefits of Sudoku

Sudoku has captured the hearts and minds of many worldwide for almost four decades. It’s a short form of a longer Japanese phrase “Sūji wa dokushin ni kagiru,” which roughly translates as “the digits are limited to one occurrence.” Its simple rules and intriguing challenges make it a great pastime. Whether you are an adult ...

Nathan Machoka

A Sudoku puzzle.

DIY Deodorant: How to Make Your Own Aluminum-Free Version

Creating a DIY deodorant at home can be an enjoyable, environmentally friendly, and health-conscious DIY project. It’s not just a cost-effective alternative, but it also offers control over the ingredients, allowing you to avoid harmful chemicals found in many commercial deodorants. Here’s an insightful guide to making your own DIY deodorant. Natural deodorant vs. antiperspirant: ...

Nathan Machoka

Ingredients for a DIY deodorant.