How Feng Shui Was Used by China’s Emperors

Chinese feng shui is very popular nowadays. So what is feng shui? At its core is a system that promotes harmony between humans and their environment. Essentially though, it is the study of geography. People living in a place with good feng shui are likely to be blessed with long and healthy lives and growing ...

Jessica Kneipp

Zen stones on a log with water reflected in background.

Feng Shui and Lucky Bamboo Arrangements

The basics of feng shui are well-known. No matter what culture you belong to, the concept of feng shui will have directly or indirectly affected your thoughts and subsequent living arrangements. An ancient Chinese concept of house arrangement, feng shui positively influences the energies flowing within the home by harmonizing it with that of the ...

Emma Lu

Lucky bamboo in a saucer on a table.

The Ancient History of Tea

In the history of tea, Lu Yu is considered the Sage of Tea. In The Classic of Tea, he said: “Tea tempers the spirits and harmonizes the mind, dispels lassitude and relieves fatigue, awakens thought and prevents drowsiness, lightens or refreshes the body, and clears the perceptive faculties.” Tea has long been one of the ...

Tatiana Denning

A Chinese teapot, cup of tea, and fresh tea leaves.

5 Ancient Chinese Philosophers and Why They Are Important

Although much of Chinese philosophy began in the Warring States period, Chinese philosophers have existed for several thousand years. Some can be found in the I Ching (the Book of Changes), an ancient compendium of divination, which dates back to at least 672 B.C. It was during the Warring States era that the major philosophical schools of China — ...

Jessica Kneipp

Statues of great ancient political philosophers and thinkers of China.

Celestial Protection During a Deadly Plague

Since ancient times, when traditional values and morals have extensively degenerated and collapsed, a deadly plague would invariably strike out across the land. As a result, whenever this happens in any part of the world, many people become ill and perish. It is therefore not surprising that humans are frightened of deadly plagues. What is ...

Michael Segarty

A messenger from Heaven.

Mastering the Art of Letting Go

Most modern societies around the world deem the worth of a human through how much control he or she has over the rest of the community. Success is determined by this metric where you try to enforce your control over your fellow beings. This is basically what most governments do to their citizens and corporations ...

Nspirement Staff

A sunflower.

Education in Ancient China: The ‘Three Character Classic’

The Three Character Classic is one of the key traditional texts from Chinese culture that is believed to have been written sometime in the 13th century. The text, with the traditional name San Zi Jing, is also known as the Trimetric Classic. The text focuses on imparting Confucian teaching to children. The ‘Three Character Classic’ ...

Emma Lu

A bamboo spout with water pouring out.

What a Traditional Chinese Lifestyle Looks Like

The communist takeover of China ended centuries of traditional Chinese lifestyle, bringing about new thoughts and social systems in the country. As a result, modern Chinese society is more a reflection of communist values than traditional values. So what would a traditional Chinese lifestyle look like? The traditional Chinese family The one important thing that ...

Nspirement Staff

A Chinese girl wearing traditional clothing and carrying a fan.

4 Ancient Positions for Restorative Sleep

The ancients practiced Taoism and maintained their health during the day, while also paying attention to the quality of their sleep. In the early Song Dynasty, a well-known Taoist named Chen Bo advocated the importance of restorative sleep. As he often slept for a few days at a time, people called him the sleeping immortal, ...

Nspirement Staff

A cartoon graphic of a man sleeping on his side.