3 Ways to Ease Insufficient Brain Blood Supply

Problems with the brain may affect the whole body. An insufficient brain blood supply (cerebral insufficiency) or a cerebral hemorrhage may paralyze the body and even affect the lifespan of a person.  As you age, if there is an insufficient brain blood supply, you will experience many symptoms of discomfort. If you want to know whether you are in a state of cerebral insufficiency, you ...

Helen London

An illuminated model of the human brain in a glass display tube.

The 5 Ways Mental Clutter Affects Your Life

Mental clutter refers to times when our mind has too many thoughts, making it difficult to process and focus. Experiencing phases of a cluttered mind is not only disrupting while attempting to carry out daily tasks, but it is also unbalancing and detrimental to mental health.   In December 2017, Prevention published Is Your Mind Cluttered? ...

Katrina Hicks

Woman stressing, overthinking events alone at home.

5 Secrets to Longevity From the World’s Oldest Woman

The World Health Organization believes that four factors affect human longevity. These are genetic, accounting for 15 percent; social and natural environment, accounting for 17 percent; level of healthcare, accounting for 8 percent; and lifestyle and diet, accounting for 60 percent. We can’t change the genetic factors, and the social and natural environments are not easily changed either, but we do ...

Emma Lu

Hands of an elderly woman holding daisies.

5-Year-Old Hikes the Appalachian Trail

Some parents may have had trouble getting their kids away from electronics and outside this summer. But for one Virginia family, this wasn’t the case. Josh and Cassie Sutton recently completed a full-length hike of the Appalachian Trail with their son, Harvey. At just 5 years old, Harvey, who earned the nickname “Little Man” from ...

Jack Roberts

Harvey Sutton on the Appalachian Trail.

Tourette’s Syndrome: What Is It?

Tourette’s syndrome is a condition that causes a person to make involuntary sounds and movements called tics. Tics can start from early childhood, but states have been known to improve for several years and, in some cases, are known to stop completely. People with Tourette’s syndrome may also have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactivity ...

Katrina Hicks

'Tourette syndrome' text composed with multicolored stones over black sand.

The Fascinating Origins of the Pillow

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” — William Shakespeare, “The Tempest” The origins of the pillow are quite fascinating. While the pillow may seem to be a simple concept and a common item that we take for granted, it hasn’t always been the ...

Tatiana Denning

Ancient chinese ceramic pillow figure of reclining lady holds it up

Ancients Knew It, We Should Too: Music Frequency Matters

The music frequency we tune to often affects our emotions. Many spiritual teachings spoke about the vibrations of the universe and that we should re-learn to tune our bodies to that frequency. They said that by doing this, we can find happiness and peace. What the ancients suggested, science has proved. We are made up ...

Raven Montmorency

A group of musical instruments.

Mid-Autumn Festival: Ancient Poetry and Music With the Moon at Heart

The Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as the Moon Festival) is upon us. The moon in traditional Chinese culture is seen as a symbol of family reunion. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, families reunite and celebrate by sitting outside, under the full moon, with a table filled with tea, fruit, incense, mooncakes, and candles as ...

Jessica Kneipp

Full Moon with stars in background.

Try This Simple Free Method to Help Relax

When you are relaxed, have you ever noticed your breathing? It is slow, gentle, and usually you don’t notice that you are breathing. Breathing exercises are a great, quick way to help relax, and that’s because when you slow your breathing, you help relax your whole body. Take time to notice how you feel next time you ...

Wilma Oakes

Young Asian woman with her eyes closed, face turned up to the sun, hands raised, and arms outstretched standing on a beach.