Learning From History: How the Ancient Chinese Responded to Plagues and Disasters

The recent pandemic is, without a doubt, one of the greatest catastrophes we have experienced in our lifetimes. Yet, in the long annals of Chinese history, numerous accounts exist of plagues and other calamities of similar scale. These instances from antiquity provide us with invaluable insights into how emperors and common folk alike managed to ...

Mikel Davis

Ancient Chinese observing a globe mechanism.

Well-Known Physician of Ancient China: Wang Sizhong (Part 2)

This is a three-part series; please go here for Part 1 In part one of this three-part series on Ming dynasty physicians, we discussed Imperial doctor Ge Lin. In Part 2, we’ll look at a well-known physician who could cure and diagnose diseases that other doctors could not — physician Wang Sizhong.  Born with an ...

Tatiana Denning

Chinese herbs, a pot, a mortar and pestle, and paper packets tied with string sit on a wooden surface.

Well-Known Physician of Ancient China: Ge Lin (Part 1)

This is a three-part series; please go here for part 2 In ancient China, there were physicians with amazing medical skills and abilities. Despite not having modern equipment, they could diagnose, treat, and predict the course of a patient’s life and health, and they were able to do things beyond what even today’s modern medicine ...

Tatiana Denning

Imperial physician Ge Lin.

Ancient Chinese Stories of Honest Officials

Ancient China had a long history of officials who upheld integrity and honesty in their duties. The following two stories from the Eastern Han Dynasty illustrate the remarkable moral fortitude of ancient Chinese officials, who remained honest and unbiased even when confronted with personal relationships and tempting situations. Su Zhang handles cases without favoritism During ...

Mikel Davis

Chinese landscape painting of a tree with green leaves along a river.

We Thought the First Hunter-Gatherers in Europe Went Missing During the Last Ice Age. Now, Ancient DNA Analysis Says Otherwise

Hunter-gatherers took shelter from the ice age in Southwestern Europe, but were replaced on the Italian Peninsula according to two new studies, published in Nature and Nature Ecology & Evolution. Modern humans first began to spread across Eurasia approximately 45,000 years ago, arriving from the near east. Previous research claimed these people disappeared when massive ...

Troy Oakes

Reconstruction of a hunter-gatherer associated with the Gravettian culture.

Story from Ancient China: The Flying Mountain

Once upon a time, it was said that there was a small flying mountain. Sometimes it flew toward the east, and sometimes toward the west. Yet wherever it stopped, many houses were smashed, and many people were killed. The crazy monk At that time, a monk was in Lingyin Temple northwest of present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. He ...

Max Lu

Lingyin Temple.

The Powerful Ancient Chinese Art of Reading People

Empathy, reading people, catching vibes, social intelligence, or the ability to read other people’s emotions and inner character — and to use this intel to navigate relationships — has been given many names. Specific individuals seem to be born with social intelligence. But for most of us, it’s something that’s developed — or stunted — ...

Max Lu

Reading a person at a meeting.

Cairns: An Ancient Tradition With a Modern Twist

Ever encountered a cairn on a trail? Don’t you want to know why people leave them or why they’re so important? Read this article to find out. What are cairns? Cairns are interesting things you might have stumbled on when on a trail. While they’re starting to gain popularity, they follow an ancient tradition dating ...

Mike West

A stone cairn in the Himalayas.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom: Brotherly Love and Virtue

In traditional Chinese culture, the bond between brothers is highly valued, and it is considered to be one of the most important relationships a person can have. Some people treat their brothers like strangers, refusing to help them when they are in need. However, those who treat their brothers with love and affection will be ...

Trisha Haddock

Two brothers sitting on a wooden bench by a lake in the fall.