Chinese Copper Coins and the Ancient Way of Doing Business

Chinese copper coins have a long history. They contain the wisdom of the Chinese people and symbolize the way of doing business based on honesty and integrity. The meaning of copper coins Before the reign of Qin Shi Huang (259-210 B.C.), Chinese copper coins had many shapes due to the many warring states. After Qin ...

Mikel Davis

Three old Chinese coins with red cord tied through the square holes in the middle sit in front of a book on a wooden surface.

Reviving Ancient Delicious Acorn Dishes

The acorn nut is familiar to many, often used in decorations, jewelry, and crafts. But what many have forgotten is that they can be nutritious and edible. Acorn meals were once a part of daily menus everywhere that oaks grow. However, they have slowly faded from menus, especially in the Western world. Arrow Sample, the ...

Nathan Machoka

Two acorns with oak leaves in the background.

Enigmatic Mustatils Across Arabia Hosted Ancient Ritual Sacrifices

Over the past five years, archaeologists have identified more than 1,600 monumental stone structures known as mustatils dotted across a swathe of Saudi Arabia larger than Italy. The purpose of these ancient stone buildings, dating back more than 7,000 years, has been a puzzle for researchers. Our excavations and surveys reveal these were ritual structures, ...

Troy Oakes

A mustatil.

Miraculous Efficacy of Ancient Chinese Medicine

Chinese culture has endured for the past 5,000 years and traditional Chinese medicine has always been an inseparable part of it. Modern-day people, especially the younger generation, often perceive this ancient Chinese medicine to be somewhat unsophisticated and less advanced than present-day pharmaceutical medicinal practices. Ancient practitioners of Chinese medicine often left detailed records of ...

Emma Lu

An illustration of ancient Chinese doctor, Li Shizhen.

In Ancient China, Virtuous Doctors Received Heaven’s Blessings

The ancients valued moral conduct, and this was true across all professions and industries. For example, doctors should uphold medical ethics, merchants should uphold commercial ethics, and officials should uphold bureaucratic ethics. The famous physician Zhang Zhongjing of the Eastern Han Dynasty provided insightful explanations on the subject stating that “medicine is a practice of ...

Mikel Davis

In Beijing's Ditan Park, a sculpture of Sun Simiao, the Tang Dynasty medical scientist who was later known as the king of medicine.

Was Wan Hu Really an Ancient Chinese Astronaut?

Although serious space exploration began in the 20th century, the desire to explore beyond the Earth dates back much further. When it comes to investigating the sky, the Chinese may be the most persistent explorers on the planet, with numerous accounts of individuals, such as Wan Hu, attempting to reach the heavens over the course ...

Viena Abdon

Illustration of Wan Hu, an ancient Chinese official said to have traveled to the moon, sitting in his rocket chair.

Discovery of Ancient Shark Teeth in Indian Ocean by Australian Scientists

A “graveyard” of fossilized shark teeth was recently discovered by Australian scientists 3.1 miles (4-5 km) deep in the Indian Ocean. This jaw-dropping site, found in October 2022, had more than 750 shark teeth of modern and prehistoric mega sharks. Scientists made this surprising discovery during a month-long voyage at Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Commonwealth Scientific ...

Nathan Machoka


Finding Your Essential Self: The Ancient Philosophy of Zhuangzi Explained

Zhuangzi – also known as Zhuang Zhou or Master Zhuang – was a Chinese philosopher who lived around the 4th century BCE. He is traditionally credited as the author of the ancient Taoist masterpiece bearing his name, the Zhuangzi. The work of Zhuangzi has been described as “humorous and deadly serious, lighthearted and morbid, precisely ...

Troy Oakes

Illustration of Zhuang Zhou, author of one of the foundational texts of Daoism.

Resurrecting Ancient Plants: A Deep-Dive Into Paleobotany

Scientists are constantly studying plants hoping to grow one with unique traits such as drought resistance. But some scientists are branching to paleobotany and looking into ancient plants hoping for a breakthrough. The Earth has about 450,000 plant species, and the evolution of plants on Earth is closely intertwined and detrimental to its development. Plants ...

Viena Abdon

Seeds sprouting.