blood sugar management, brain health, cancer prevention, dietary fiber, fiber intake, gut health, health benefits, healthy eating, longevity nutrient, nutrition

The Magic of Dietary Fiber: Your Key to Longevity and Health

Recent research has increasingly acknowledged the role of dietary fiber in maintaining health, earning it the nickname “longevity nutrient.” For every additional 8 grams of fiber consumed daily, the risk of coronary heart disease decreases by 19 percent, type 2 diabetes by 15 percent, colorectal cancer by 8 percent, and overall mortality by 7 percent. ...

Max Lu

High fiber foods.

Introducing Organ Meats to Your Children: 5 Unbeatable Health Benefits

Since the olden days, organ meats have been and still are some of the most nutritious meats in an animal. Also known as offal, these meats include the liver, heart, brain, kidneys, intestines, and tongue. People worldwide consume organ meats from cows, sheep, goats, hens, and ducks. Other animals include pigs and camels.  Most organ ...

Nathan Machoka

Organ meat.

Why Radishes Are a Winter Superfood: Unveiling the Benefits

An old Chinese saying resonates with the season as the cold winter embraces us: “Eat radishes in winter and ginger in summer.” But with radishes being a “cooling” food, is it beneficial to consume them during the chilly months? Let’s explore why incorporating them into your winter diet can particularly benefit your health and what ...

Max Lu

A woman washing radishes in the sink.

Broccoli Is the Poor Man’s Doctor

Broccoli is the “poor man’s doctor,” and not only is it commonly available in grocery stores, but it is also easy to prepare. Cauliflower shares the same health benefits, so if you prefer to eat cauliflower, you can apply this article to that cruciferous vegetable, too. Broccoli and cauliflower are very rich in vitamins C ...

David Jirard

Cauliflower and broccoli are the poor man's doctor.

5 Anti-Cancer Foods

Daily exposure to environmental toxins as well as genetic factors have an influence on whether you may get cancer. To lower the risk, it is important to remove some of these factors whenever possible. There are anti-cancer foods that can lower the risk of getting cancer when added to your diet. Although these foods are ...

David Jirard

Hot peppers.

5 Health Benefits of Flaxseeds: A Superfood Worth Adding to Your Diet

Flaxseeds, scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum, are tiny, crunchy seeds with a nutty taste. Their color ranges from deep brown to light yellow when mature. They contain proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals. There are several ways to prepare the seeds, and you can find one that suits your recipes or needs. You can ...

Nathan Machoka

Dark flaxseeds.

Sweet Potatoes: A Unique Food With a Very Powerful Ability

Sweet potato is a vegetable that has been selected by the National Cancer Research Center of Japan as the first anti-cancer vegetable. A study by the center found that the cancer-suppressing effect of cooked sweet potatoes can be as high as 98.7 percent, and they are very nutritious. Experts call them the health food with ...

Hermann Rohr

Sweet potatoes.

Can Essential Oils Prevent Cancer?

Essential oils are most popularly known in aromatherapy and are used efficiently and safely. Most daily applications include adding them to bath water and anointing perfume points. However, have you considered how they could do an even greater service beyond relaxation? Essential oils are concentrated extracts of flowers, roots, leaves, stems, seeds, resin, bark, or fruit ...

David Clapp

Essential oils for sale.

Prevent Cancer With Napa Cabbage

People in northern China understand that napa cabbage detoxifies. It detoxifies so well that it can even help prevent cancer. Stewed tofu with napa cabbage is a commonly served dish, especially after high consumption of thick-flavored fish and meat. It may not look that good to some people, but it is great for detoxifying. This ...

David Jirard

Chopped napa cabbage.