child development, cognitive development, creativity, emotional intelligence, linguistic improvement, movies for kids

Unveiling the Mystery: The Unseen Benefits of Movies for Kids

Pediatricians recommend that children watch less television than they currently do, but movies may have unseen benefits for kids. For eons, stories have been a source of learning and inspiration for children. They nourish young minds, allowing them to explore the depths of imagination and knowledge. Today, most kids no longer huddle by the fire ...

Hermann Rohr

A movie theater.

Lessons from Failure: How to Use Failure to Your Advantage

Failure is unacceptable for many in a world that mostly celebrates achievements and success. Most people are so afraid of failing that they miss out on great opportunities because they decide not to try.  Fear of failure can be immobilizing, and it manifests itself in self-sabotage behavior like procrastination and excessive anxiety, low self-confidence, inability ...

Nathan Machoka

Failures leading to success.

5 Lessons on Creativity You Can Learn From Leonardo Da Vinci’s Inspired Legacy

The name Leonardo Da Vinci holds an excellent reputation that’s admired worldwide. He’s the artistic genius behind the famous Mona Lisa and the creator of The Last Supper, considered the world’s most important mural painting. However, his brilliance went beyond being a masterful painter. Leonardo Da Vinci was also an architect, sculptor, draftsman, engineer, inventor, ...

Arianne Ayson

A portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Transformative Thinking: 5 Inspirational Stories

There is a Chinese proverb that highlights the importance of addressing fundamental issues before anything else. It uses the metaphor of farming: If a field is unable to hold water, then no matter how good the seeds are or how hard you work, the effort will ultimately be wasted. Similarly, no matter how hard you ...

Mikel Davis

Comfortable corner of the library with books, glasses, and a bouquet of flowering willow branches.

Discovering Your Perfect Hobby: A Guide to Finding the Right One for You

A hobby is more than just a simple pastime — it is a transformative activity that can revolutionize your life, infusing it with joy, satisfaction, and a host of benefits that significantly enhance your overall well-being. It can act as an outlet where you can delve into your interests, unearth new passions, and foster a ...

Haidene Go

Illustration of stickers, including masks for theater, a palette and paintbrush, a camera, a microphone, a TV set, dancing shoes, a quill with ink and paper, pottery, a clapboard for movies, a circus tent, and a lute.

Revisiting Childhood Dreams for Personal Growth

In the secret depths of our childhood memories, we all harbor dreams that once sparked our imagination and filled our hearts with joy. Seemingly lost amid the rush and responsibilities of adulthood, these dreams hold a key of immense value: They provide profound insight into who we’ve become today. This article explores how rekindling those ...

Viena Abdon

Crescent moon and hot air balloon above a serene sea in the sunset sky with a glowing horizon and comet passing by.

Top 5 Ways to Think Outside the Box

Some people struggle to “think outside the box,” and although it might seem like an extraordinary power that only a few people have, there are some techniques you can follow to promote this thought process. If you’ve thought being creative was a superpower, you might want to try the methods discussed below. Admittedly, the best ...

Mike West

Think outside the box.

Why You Should Encourage Children to Learn Musical Instruments

Too often, parents and school administrators view learning to play musical instruments much the way they do most arts education — as a supplemental or “optional” subject that helps to make students more well-rounded, but not as an essential component in school curricula. However, studies show that studying music not only supports good intellectual development ...

Armin Auctor

A child playing the piano.