baby, divine intervention, faith, miracle, resilience, survival, tornado

Rescued Baby’s Incredible Miracle Story Amid a Tornado

In chaos and destruction, a tiny miracle baby emerged from the wreckage of a tornado, capturing the hearts of onlookers and reaffirming the indomitable spirit of hope. For once, you will hear an incredible story of a miracle baby who defied the odds, swept away by the storm only to be found safe and sound. ...

Viena Abdon

A sleeping baby.

An Incredible Phenomenon Following Organ Transplants

Over the years, there have been remarkable stories of some organ transplant recipients encountering “unimaginable” phenomena. Even though the recipient doesn’t know what happened to the donor due to medical laws, it seems they have received some messages from the donors that have provided clues.   Dreams of a car accident  A netizen shared his father’s ...

Tatiana Denning

Aerial view of a few spotted clouds and the shining sun on the horizon.

Cherish These 3 Things in Life

Life is short, and we spend our lifetime without much regret. Here are some tips for you to consider. 3 things to cherish in life 1. The best investment is your health A classmate who has worked in a large company for many years after graduation resigned and returned to Wuhan from Shanghai two years ...

Emma Lu

Two women stretching in an exercise class at the beach.

7 Signs of Mentally Strong People

Weak people quickly get angry and are prone to unpredictable outbursts of anger. Strong people are usually as calm as water and relatively peaceful. A person who is not strong inside is naturally not calm inside. A person who is not quiet in his heart will be in turmoil everywhere. Even the most minor things ...

Max Lu

A woman showing determination.

The Art of Believing: Cultivating a Heart of Faith

In the vastness of human experience, faith stands as an enduring thread that weaves through cultures, religions, and individuals across time. This is more than a mere belief; it is a profound trust and conviction in something greater than yourself. Whether religious or secular, faith holds the potential to uplift and transform lives. In this ...

Viena Abdon

Aerial view of a few spotted clouds and the shining sun on the horizon.

The Power of Encouragement and Faith: Turning Struggles Into Triumphs

An old saying goes: “Kind words can bring warmth that lasts for three winters, while harsh words can chill even in the heat of summer.” Comforting and exhorting words are always beneficial; a single word of encouragement can change a person’s mindset, behavior, and perhaps even their destiny. The following two stories showcase the profound ...

Max Lu

Four books stacked on a wooden surface, each one with one of the words to the phrase 'success is one step away.'

How the Power of Honesty Changed a Beggar’s Life

On August 9, in the bustling city of New York, a curious incident unfolded that reflected the power of honesty. Merrie Harris, a female director of an advertising company, encountered a beggar while walking on the street. She had no change to give, so, in an unusual act of kindness, she handed him her credit ...

Mikel Davis

An American Express Platinum card.

Miraculous Encounters of Devout Buddhists

Many devout Buddhists in the past have had incredible encounters. The Cavalry General met strange people and animals that saved his life, and he witnessed scenes of ascension to Heaven. The sincere heart and filial wishes of a devout young man moved Heaven, and enabled his grandfather to regain his sight after having been blind ...

Trisha Haddock

Blue Buddha statue sitting in lotus pose with his hand in open mudra.

A Medical Miracle Against All Odds

How long can a human being survive intact without a heartbeat? In Taiwan, an event occurred that left medical experts astounded. This event went well beyond common medical sense and can only be described as a genuine miracle. After 30 minutes with zero heartbeat, insufficient blood flow to the brain, and low levels of oxygen ...

Michael Segarty

A hospital emergency room entrance.

Xuyun, the Most Eminent Monk in Modern China

The life of Xuyun, the most eminent monk in modern China, is a legendary tale. He lived through five emperors of the Qing Dynasty and witnessed a century of upheaval and monumental changes caused by war in China.  At the age of 112, Xuyun was severely beaten several times but miraculously survived and recovered, shocking ...

Tatiana Denning

A brown leaf on a twig.