aging gracefully, happiness, healthy lifestyle, life lessons

15 Life Lessons for Happiness After 50

The renowned Russian psychologist Pavlov said: “Happiness is the only secret to good health.” Since happiness and health are naturally connected, how can we make ourselves happier as we get older? If you’re already 50, here are 15 life lessons for happiness 1. Appreciate life’s beauty and live in the moment Pay attention to the ...

Mikel Davis

Smiling woman relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea.

When Family Is Lost to Internal Conflict

In the book Dream of the Red Chamber, author Cao Xueqin said, in the words of one of his characters: “An external force does not destroy a family, but by internal struggle or internal fighting by all means.”  Internal conflicts can be more destructive than poison, shaking the family’s roots until they break their foundation. ...

Tatiana Denning

A couple having an argument.

The Secret to a Happy Life

A young man picked up an abandoned leaky boat from the sea and mended it several times. Then, singing songs, he went out fishing every day. Even if he returned empty, he would lie on the beach after getting off the boat, basking in the sun, and singing songs; life was happy every day. There ...

Emma Lu

A beached fishing boat.

A Simple Smile Can Improve Your Mood

“I have many problems in life, but my lips don’t know that. They always smile.” Charlie Chaplin. Most notable leaders and celebs have always known the power of smiling. When they are smiling, they radiate confidence, happiness, and friendliness. But is it just an artful deception, or does smiling actually make you happier? According to ...

Nathan Machoka

A young woman smiling.

Love Conquers Everything: The Ancient Secret of Peaceful Living

When fear becomes central to your intellect, it may feel like your life revolves around one center. However, love conquers everything. Unfortunately, most of us forget that in the heat of things.  Fear can turn our lives into a place without happiness. Sometimes anxiety can creep in and go unrecognized until you’re entirely dilapidated. According ...

Nathan Machoka

A heart represents love.

9 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Happiness

Have you ever wondered how to truly find happiness? If so, these suggestions may help. They cannot work for everyone every day, but they can add to emotions of happiness. It should be remembered that joy cannot heal pain or loss, but it can bring temporary relief. It takes time to heal, but that doesn’t ...

Ratul Saha

A happy older couple.

If You Want to Be Happy, Start Living in the Present

Too often, you let the moment slip away, allowing time to pass unnoticed, wasting valuable seconds of your life as you fret about the future and ponder the past. You are immersed in the fires of the past or the terror of the future while you live in the present.  When your brain is overloaded ...

Ratul Saha

Tiles spelling 'now.'

What Is the Secret to Finding Happiness?

We often think that others are happier than we are, but are they? So as we consider our lives, we may ask ourselves, how is happiness found? A survey was conducted to determine what kind of people were the happiest in the world. Among the tens of thousands of responses, four stood out: an artist ...

Emma Lu

Enjoy your life.

How Marriage and Fatherhood Benefit Men

There’s a common misconception that marriage and fatherhood are the things that ruin a man’s life. After all, why would any sane man want to be tied down to one woman and have a bunch of kids? Surely, that would just lead to a life of drudgery and misery. However, the truth is that marriage ...

Jack Roberts

A dad with a daughter on his shoulders.

2 Stories About Wisdom

Good luck or back luck — it all depends on how you look at it Wisdom can be as simple as changing your point of view. An old Zen master went on a trip and stayed overnight at an elderly woman’s place. The Zen master noticed the woman cried every day, and he wondered why. ...

Tatiana Denning

Blossoms on a tree branch.