chinese traditional culture, cultural revolution, destruction of four olds, four anchors, four pillars of the state, honor, integrity, justice, propriety, traditional virtues, virtue

The Four Anchors Are Traditional Chinese Virtues

The Chinese proverb of the Four Anchors, also known as the Four Social Bonds (四維 sìwéi), represents the sense of propriety, justice, integrity, and honor (禮義廉恥 lǐ yì lián chǐ), which are the traditional Chinese virtues. lǐ (禮) means proper rite, ceremony, propriety, etiquette, courtesy, manners; yì (義) denotes righteousness, justice; lián (廉) signifies honesty, cleanness, incorruptible; chǐ (恥) means shame, a sense ...

Billy Shyu

A Chinese temple.

A Blessed Person Has These 8 Uplifting Characteristics and Much More

Life’s journey is rich and varied, bringing both beautiful moments and untold hardships. If you can face all of life with a good and sunny heart, if you are proactive, calm, and unafraid, then you are a truly blessed person and many blessings will be freely given to you. 8 characteristics of a blessed person ...

Emma Lu

The heart of a blessed person.

Good Character Is Your Real Fortune

Your real fortune is neither beauty nor money; rather, it’s possessing good character, which is a passport to a good life. In an indifferent and unpredictable environment, your thinking and reactions depend on the quality of your character. There is a Chinese saying: “If one desires to make achievements in life, his first achievement must be to ...

Emma Lu

A small treasure chest with paper money and coins.

Unearned Fortune Provides a Test

In ancient times when an unearned fortune came to your door, doing the right thing was not a difficult decision. These days, it seems the world has gotten so polluted that simple basic morality is gone and anything could happen. This story from 2011 shows that basic morals are not entirely missing. Not only can ...

David Jirard

An open treasure chest with golden light shining out from the lid.

Integrity Brings Wealth and Blessings

Regardless of what culture or race we belong to, integrity has the highest value. A friend of mine brought US$15,500 (100,000 yuan) to Shenzhen to take over a business laying floor tiles. After the contract was signed, the selling party from Shantou knew that it would be a loss-making deal. So the boss from Shantou ...

Helen London

Floor tiles.

The Genius of Buster Keaton: Perfecting the ‘Art of the Gag’

Buster Keaton was one of the founding fathers of visual comedy. It’s been over 100 years since he first appeared onscreen, and there is still so much we can learn from him. In this video essay by Tony Zhou, through his old but informative channel Every Frame a Painting, he explores the artistry and thought behind Keaton’s gags. ...

Jessica Kneipp

Buster Keaton.

6 Chinese Business Traditions You Should Be Aware Of

Different cultures have their own characteristics and propriety of conducting business. China is no different. Whether it is dealing with customers, partners, superiors, juniors, and so on, Chinese business traditions mandate the observation of certain standards. 6 Chinese business traditions you need to know about 1. Generosity According to ancient Chinese traditions, a businessman is ...

Nspirement Staff

Hong Kong on the waterfront..

Character Is the Most Valuable Thing in a Person’s Life

Character is the victor’s laurel crown and the glory of life. Keep your character and then you will keep the greatest wealth. Honesty and integrity are part of good character Our recognition of a person often starts with honesty and trusting the person’s character. If a person is unable to win others’ trust, it is ...

Helen London

Plants growing in a pond.

Li Hui Settled Disputes With Wisdom and Integrity

Li Hui, a local official in the Northern Wei Dynasty, paid great attention to the fairness and correctness of verdicts and settling disputes with fairness and integrity. Two short stories about how Li Hui resolved disputes Ruling on the case of two swallows fighting over a nest One day, Li Hui was in the Yongzhou Prefecture ...

Helen London

A path through the woods in autumn.