cohabitation, commitment, financial responsibility, legal protection, marriage, relationships

The Truth About Cohabitation Before Marriage

Moving in with your significant other before marriage was considered taboo for years, and couples would be criticized or shamed. If you look at the situation now, cohabitation with a partner without getting married is deemed more acceptable. Cohabitation before marriage has become prevalent, challenging traditional beliefs and norms surrounding relationships. By sharing a living ...

Viena Abdon

Cohabitation without marriage carries several risks.

The Positive Benefits of Marriage in a Man’s Life

Marriage is a profound institution that holds the potential to shape one’s life. While the benefits of marriage extend to both men and women, most of the time, only the women’s perspectives are highlighted. Hence, in this article, we will focus on the positive impact marriage can bring to a man’s life. From personal growth ...

Viena Abdon

Two wedding bands.

How Belief Transformed an Unattractive Girl Into a Beauty

Belief is the most powerful mind-molding emotion there is. It is so powerful that it can transform lives. The following story illustrates the transformational power of belief and how it turned one unique girl’s life upside down.  Once upon a time, two brothers, Ah-Mian and Ah-Quan, had reached marriageable age. However, they found no girl ...

Hermann Rohr

Closeup shot of a cherry blossom in bloom.

Her Fiancé Develops Mental Illness: What Should the Bride-to-Be Do?

This story took place during the Qing Dynasty. There was a family surnamed Du, consisting of a mother and her son, since the father had passed away. The son was engaged to marry a girl from the Fu family. Just before the wedding, the son of the Du family suddenly developed mental illness. The mother ...

Emma Lu

Chinese wedding bracelets.

7 Signs That You and Your Partner Are Ready for Marriage

If it has been years since you and your partner started dating, do you think it’s time to take your relationship to the next level? Entering marriage is a life-long commitment. Hence, you and your partner should work and decide if you already see each other together forever. Before you plan your engagement proposal and ...

Viena Abdon

Two wedding bands.

Food for Thought: What Your Eating Habits Reveal About Your Family Life

Did you know that a person’s eating habits can reveal their family and marital status? You may be surprised, but whether a marriage is happy or not depends on the day-to-day routines and mundane details. If a couple can handle every little thing well and stick to it, their marriage is likely to be remarkable. ...

Mikel Davis

A smiling family sits around the table sharing a meal.

The Reincarnation of Shao Shimei and His Wives

During the Shunzhi era of the Qing Dynasty, there was a highly accomplished scholar named Shao Shimei, who had been ranked among the top three in the imperial examinations. Since his childhood, there was a name that had been swirling around in his head: “Gao Xiaohuai.” He had no idea who this person was or ...

Emma Lu

Illustration of a couple walking on a city street while holding hands.

When Family Is Lost to Internal Conflict

In the book Dream of the Red Chamber, author Cao Xueqin said, in the words of one of his characters: “An external force does not destroy a family, but by internal struggle or internal fighting by all means.”  Internal conflicts can be more destructive than poison, shaking the family’s roots until they break their foundation. ...

Tatiana Denning

A couple having an argument.

Destined to Be: The Groom Ran Away From the Wedding

On the day of her wedding, a beautiful bride named Li was to marry a man named Lu, but before the ceremony began, an old woman arrived, telling Li’s mother that the man she thought would be her son-in-law was not the actual bridegroom. Li’s mother thought the woman was talking nonsense and drove her ...

Mikel Davis

Watercolor sketch of a man holding the hand of a woman wearing a wedding or engagement ring.