career advancement, empathy, interpersonal relationships, kindness, life lessons, personal development, positive actions, professional success, reaping what you sow, reciprocity, respect, self-improvement, , societal norms, success principles

Reaping What You Sow: How Your Actions Toward Others Shape Your Own Experiences

A renowned celebrity once said that the factors contributing to one’s success can be broadly divided into two categories. Professional knowledge comprises only 15 percent, while personal cultivation, how you treat others, world-handling abilities, and adaptability cover the remaining 85 percent. This statement struck a chord with me. An unforgettable lesson from a company visit ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a wheat stalk in the field with the sun shining in the background.

7 Benefits of Taking Full Responsibility

Responsibility is significant no matter how young or how old you are. As the world makes it easier for you to slip away, learning how to be responsible is becoming less and less popular. Here’s why taking responsibility is essential for everyone. Nowadays, it has become easier for some people to run away from being ...

Mike West

Taking responsibility.

How to Spur Self-Growth When Traveling

Self-growth requires planning, goal-setting, reflection, and self-awareness. You grow by challenging yourself and going out of your comfort zone. That’s why traveling fosters personal development.  When you travel, it makes you more independent, creative, and empathetic whether you are relocating or taking a vacation. In addition, it’s a way to improve your patience, global awareness, ...

Nathan Machoka

A woman standing on railraod tracks with a suitcase.

The Climb to Success: Why Some Fail While Others Prevail

Is success a thing of luck, like winning the lottery? Or is there a method to the madness, a key to the lock? As a business coach or entrepreneur, one may want to understand why some people cannot achieve results or success, while others excel once they get the blueprint.  This question became so important ...

Hermann Rohr

A man climbing a mountain.