being chased, common dreams, dream analysis, dream interpretation, dream meanings, dreams, dying, falling, flying, naked in public, pregnancy, psychological meaning of dreams, teeth falling out

Decoding Dreams:  9 Common Dreams and Their Interpretations

Dreams have fascinated humanity for millennia. Ancient people attributed them to divine messages and omens in several religious texts. Also, most ancient cultures believed a dream could reveal the past, present, and future. But can these explanations satisfy the modern mind? Do we have modern interpretations of dreams based on science? Sigmund Freud, considered the ...

Nathan Machoka

Sunset in the mountains with clouds.

A Tale of Love, Loss, and the Importance of Communication

Two years into our marriage, my husband consulted me about bringing his mother from the countryside to spend her later years with us. Little did I know it would alter the course of our lives. My husband’s father passed away when he was young, leaving his mother to raise him single-handedly and to provide for ...

Tatiana Denning

A sunset over the ocean.

Regenerative Wonders: Astonishing Healing Powers of Babies Within the Womb

In the intricate landscape of life, one phenomenon stands out as both puzzling and awe-inspiring: the healing abilities of babies within the womb. Recent scientific breakthroughs have unveiled the potential of fetal cells to repair and rejuvenate the organs and tissues of expectant mothers. This article delves into the complexities of fetal microchimerism, shedding light ...

Viena Abdon

Couple kissing each other while holding an ultrasound picture of their unborn child.

8 Foods to Avoid When You Are Pregnant

A pregnancy diet is essential not just for the child, but also for the mother. Find out some of the foods you shouldn’t eat when you are pregnant and why they are dangerous to your child’s health. Following pregnancy, diet is a great way to ensure the health and safety of the child and the ...

Mike West

A pregnant woman eating a salad.

Reduction in Stillbirths Related to COVID-19 Vaccinations

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic struck the planet, life has changed in unprecedented ways. While vaccinations for the killer virus are now widely available, they do not offer complete protection from the menace. The various vaccines have varying levels of efficacy against the virus that keeps mutating. There are skeptics who have expressed their doubts ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman wearing a lab coat and gloves draws up a syringe full of a vaccine from a vial.

10 Superfoods for Pregnant Women According to Ancient Chinese Healers

When it comes to nutrition during pregnancy, there are lots of recommendations out there depending on your individual needs and what feels right for you. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine, there are a few specific superfoods that should be at the top of every mother-to-be’s list. 10 superfoods for expecting mothers 1. Eggs Eggs ...

Emma Lu

A pregnant woman eating a salad.

The Benefits and Detrimental Effects of Eating Kelp

Kelp is a delicious vegetable. This vegetable is often used in cold dishes or in the form of soup. It can be used as a supplement since it is rich in calcium and iron. Other benefits of using this include its ability to eliminate fat, lower blood pressure, prevent high cholesterol, and help discharge toxins ...

Helen London

Kelp on a dish with chopsticks.

What Pregnant Women Should Know About the CCP Coronavirus

If pregnant women are infected by COVID-19, not only can it make the pregnancy period stressful, the risk of death and transmission of the virus could end up triggering an unmanageable mental burden as well. Here are some of the things pregnant women should know about the CCP coronavirus. Transmission risk for pregnant women “Emerging ...

Raven Montmorency

A pregnant woman holding her abdomen.

Drinking During Pregnancy Can Alter the Genes in Newborns

Mothers who drink moderate to high levels of alcohol during pregnancy may be changing their babies’ DNA, according to a Rutgers-led study. Lead author Dipak K. Sarkar, a Distinguished Professor and director of the Endocrine Program in the Department of Animal Sciences at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, said: “Our findings may make it easier to test ...

Troy Oakes

A pregant woman.

Predicting Your Baby’s Gender the Chinese Way

Pregnant women who wish to know the gender of their baby usually have to wait for about 18 to 26 weeks after pregnancy for an ultrasound test. It gives the most accurate prediction of the child’s gender. But for those who do not wish to wait that long, there is an ancient Chinese way to ...

Raven Montmorency

Predicting a baby's gender.