Health, Featured

People Who Don’t Get Seriously Ill Have 5 Things in Common

Everyone wants to have a healthy body. Those who don’t get seriously ill often have five things in common, and we have also found that the first rule is the hardest to follow. So how many can you do? Let’s take a look. 5 ways to avoid illness 1. They don’t get angry Many diseases ...

Emma Lu

A hospital ward.

Listening: How to Properly Pay Attention

Not many people know that there are two types of listening: active and passive. While some think listening or hearing is enough, it doesn’t always work, especially in critical situations. The problem many people face when trying to listen is that not everything they hear gets retained in their memory. This results in them hearing ...

Mike West

Listening to someone speaking.

Nourishing Breakfast Ideas to Kickstart Your Day

It’s often stated that breakfast is paramount in daily routine, and rightly so. A healthy breakfast provides the nutrients and energy needed to jumpstart your day with vigor and vitality. But what exactly constitutes a healthy breakfast, and why is it so crucial? In this article, you will learn the elements of a nutritious breakfast ...

Viena Abdon

Bowl of oatmeal with sliced strawberries and almonds.

Empress Börte: The Heart and Soul of Genghis Khan

Empress Börte, wife of Genghis Khan, is revered by generations of Mongols as a symbol of brightness like the sun and moon, and as expansive as the sea. The Hulun and Chahan lakes in present-day Mongolia, one large and one small, complement each other under the sunlight and are considered sacred by the Mongols. This ...

Max Lu

Illustration depicting Genghis Khan and his wife, Empress Borte.

Rising Above Problems: 7 Tips on How to Confront Tough Times

You’ve been thrown another curveball by life, haven’t you? When challenges arise and things feel hard, feeling overwhelmed and stuck is easy.  However, you have the power within you to rise above your problems. You have the strength, determination, and resilience to push through even the darkest days. Here are some tips to help you ...

Viena Abdon

Sad young man sitting on the beach in winter.

Helping Barbers Fill Their Shops with Books for Kids

Reading can transport you into different worlds, stimulate your imagination, and empower you with knowledge. As technology continues to dominate our lives, it’s crucial to find innovative ways to encourage children to rediscover the joy of reading. One man’s inspiring initiative was to partner with barbershops and fill them with books, creating a nurturing environment ...

Viena Abdon

Barbershop books for kids.

The Secret to Longevity: Less Anger for Better Health

Everyone is concerned about staying healthy, but why is it said that the best way to cherish life is not just to focus on physical health? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that various diseases are closely related to negative emotions, and modern medicine is increasingly proving this to be true. Bad emotions can lower the body’s ...

Emma Lu

A smiling man lounging in the sun.

Navigating Differences: 6 Tips on How to Disagree Without the Sting

In the tapestry of human interactions, differences and disagreements add depth and diversity to the fabric of conversation. Navigating differences involves recognizing that everyone holds a unique viewpoint shaped by their experiences, values, and beliefs. It’s like sailing through stormy waters while keeping the boat steady. However, disagreeing while maintaining respectful communication can sometimes be ...

Viena Abdon

Talking heads.

Transformative Thinking: 5 Inspirational Stories

There is a Chinese proverb that highlights the importance of addressing fundamental issues before anything else. It uses the metaphor of farming: If a field is unable to hold water, then no matter how good the seeds are or how hard you work, the effort will ultimately be wasted. Similarly, no matter how hard you ...

Mikel Davis

Comfortable corner of the library with books, glasses, and a bouquet of flowering willow branches.

How Safe Is Your Food: The Most Prevalent Bacteria in the Food Industry

Humans require safe, healthy, nutritious food to lead a quality life. However, if the food is not handled correctly, it can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses, harmful chemicals, and parasites. These can cause mild to chronic illnesses affecting mainly children and seniors.  So be vigilant to ensure that food is handled safely from production to ...

Nathan Machoka

Artist's drawing of E. coli bacteria.