anger, complaining, getting angry, maturity

Why Getting Angry and Complaining Are Useless

The journey of life brings you more understanding as you experience more. In fact, for many of the things you used to find hard to let go of, you can slowly learn to release them. Getting angry and complaining are two such things that need to be relinquished. Things that you used to be so ...

Mikel Davis

Discouraged man holding a broken tennis racket.

How Anger Can Lead to Premature Aging

Everyone experiences negative emotions, but studies have shown that constant anger makes you age faster. Over time, people with high levels of hostility do themselves permanent physical harm. According to a study by psychologists Carsten Wrosch and Ute Kuntzman, permanently being angry is even more destructive than sadness. They believe that all emotions — including ...

Nathan Machoka

Being angry can give you a headache.

7 Ways Anger Can Hurt Your Body

Anger is a powerful emotion. It can lead to arguments, physical fights, physical abuse, assault, and self-harm. In addition, the constant flood of stress chemicals and associated metabolic changes that go with recurrent unmanaged anger can cause harm to many different systems of the body. 7 health problems that have been linked to getting angry 1. Anger ...

Emma Lu

An Angry man clenching his fists.

Lengthen Your Life by Changing 5 Bad Habits

How long you live is not only determined by genetic factors, nutrition, access to medical care, and physical environment, but also by your habits. If you stop bad habits and develop good habits, you can lengthen your life by up to 10 years longer. Stop these 5 bad habits to lengthen your life 1. Staying ...

David Jirard

Two elderly cyclists astride their bicycles stop to give each other a high-five.

Resentment Shortens Your Life

Everybody has negative moods sometimes, such as resentment, dissatisfaction, etc. Usually, they disappear soon, but if you are frequently in such moods or hold onto them for a long time, wrinkles will soon develop on your face and make you look old. Why resentment and anger make you look old Have you noticed that when ...

David Jirard

Carrying resentment around is not good for your health.

5 Tips for a Harmonious Relationship

It is wonderful to have a harmonious relationship, where both people feel understood and listened to. There is no need for convincing or ego-tussling in these relationships, just a comfortable fit like a hand in a glove. Only when you understand your partners can you begin to harmonize with them. What is more important than ...

Emma Lu

Couple holding hands at table over coffee.

7 Toxic Behaviors Society Accepts

It is sad but true that our society has come to accept certain types of toxic behaviors as normal. Such toxic behaviors should not have any place in a civilized society, yet the truth is a majority of people, including the well-educated lot, just do not raise their voices against such acts. As a result, ...

Raven Montmorency

Man yelling into a phone.

Effective Tips For Lowering High Blood Pressure (Part 1)

Lowering high blood pressure is critical. Hypertension is known as a silent killer. According to the 2017 Hypertension Treatment Guidelines by the American Heart Association, when blood pressure is measured in a calm state where there are more than three high blood pressure readings in two consecutive weeks it is judged to be high blood ...

Helen London

Man with white hair and white clothes takes the blood pressure of a woman with brown hair and white clothes as they sit together at a table containing a laptop, patient chart, and X-ray.

Cherish Your Health by Avoiding Anger

It’s often stated that negative emotions can affect your overall health and immune system. The prolonged presence of anger, this negative emotion, if left unchecked, can threaten your health and life inadvertently. Rarely do we stop and reflect on the sinister and lethal effects of this negative emotion, anger, which makes avoiding anger a key ...

Emma Lu

An elderly man with a big smile on his face.

The Connection Between Your Emotions and Your Organs

The mind-body approach of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) posits that emotions and the health of internal organs are interconnected. This means that the emotional state of your mind can end up damaging the organs linked to those emotions over a period of time. In addition, the health of the organs can also affect the way ...

Tatiana Denning

A young woman with a joyful smile.