Wisdom, Featured

The Importance of Honesty: Lessons From Three Stories

In a world where shortcuts and quick fixes often seem tempting, the virtue of honesty remains a cornerstone of character. The following three stories underscore the importance of honesty, reminding us that honesty is not only a moral duty, but also a pathway to unexpected rewards. 3 results of honesty 1. A soldier’s surprise victory ...

Max Lu

Signpost with the words 'honesty,' 'integrity,' and 'ethics' on it.

10 Pearls of Wisdom from the Jewish Culture

The Jewish community, which makes up only 0.3 percent of the global population, astonishingly accounts for 20 percent of the Nobel Prize winners. They have also claimed 38 percent of the U.S. National Science Awards, 27 percent of the Turing Awards, and 42 percent of the Neumann Awards. Despite numerous adversities, the Jewish community has ...

Max Lu

Jewish culture.

Mastering the Art of Speech: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Speech is more than mere communication; it’s a form of spiritual discipline deeply ingrained in our daily lives. Without proper attention to this aspect, numerous troubles can arise, as words wield the power to shape realities and relationships. Insights from Wang Yangming Wang Yangming, a renowned philosopher of the Ming Dynasty, provided a profound lesson ...

Emma Lu

Cartoon drawing of two men in suits having a conversation.

Beware the Illusions of Fortune: Ancient Chinese Wisdom on Premature Celebrations

Life is indeed full of unexpected twists and delightful surprises. Yet, in the fabric of fortune, ancient Chinese wisdom cautions against early celebrations in times of apparent joy. Millennials are well-accustomed to seeking continual happiness and evading misfortune, aspiring for an uninterrupted streak of good fortune. However, vintage insights suggest a more restrained approach, especially ...

Max Lu

Church decorated with flowers for a wedding.

The Golden Basin: A Tale of Honesty Vs. Greed

Deep in the annals of ancient Indian folklore lies a story that resonates through time, encapsulating the eternal struggle of honesty versus greed. This fable speaks to the core of human values and the consequences of our choices. It revolves around a young merchant, his uncle, and a seemingly ordinary object that holds extraordinary value ...

Max Lu

Illustrated map of India.

How Influential Businessman Hu Xueyan Returned a Favor

Hu Xueyan, also known as Guangyong (光墉), was a native of Chixi in Anhui Province. Born into a poor family, he experienced ups and downs throughout his life, going from poverty to great wealth and status more than once. Hu Xueyan started his career as a merchant, rising to the third rank of the late ...

Tatiana Denning

An abacus.

Fu Rong: Wisely Exonerated the Falsely Accused

The ancient Chinese sages were noted for advocating benevolence, righteousness, politeness, wisdom, and integrity. To these ancient sages, wisdom not only denoted knowledge and truth, but also embodied intelligence and common sense. This is the story of Fu Rong, who used his wisdom to exonerate the falsely accused. The Former Qin, also called Fu Qin (A.D. 351-394), ...

Emma Lu

A gavel.

Anger: Beware of Impulsive Actions

Self-mastery comes when individuals learn to address their moods and emotions before they attempt to deal with causal situations or events. They analyze their minds before they analyze things. When one’s emotions, such as anger, are out of control, one’s reasoning and intellectual ability tend to decline, and one is prone to making mistakes to ...

Emma Lu

An angry man's fists.

Chess and Character: How the Game Reveals One’s True Nature

Character is the foundation upon which we stand in the world. Those of poor character often resort to opportunistic shortcuts and lack sincerity. Let’s delve into some stories of how ancient people discerned character through the game of chess. Wang Anshi: Chess and character Wang Anshi, a renowned official from the Northern Song Dynasty, was ...

Max Lu

Close up shot of the pieces sitting on a chess board.