Health, Featured

A Cardiovascular Disease Expert’s 10 Recommendations

Professor Chen Keji, a medical doctor who is currently a lecturer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, recommends 10 dietary principles that can help prevent cardiovascular disease. 10 recommendations to prevent cardiovascular disease 1. Choose soy milk over dairy milk Being a vegetable-based drink, soy milk contains dietary fiber, while cow milk has none. Cow’s milk contains cholesterol, ...

Emma Lu

Bowl of soy milk and soy beans.

Watch Out for These Warning Signs of a Thrombosis Stroke

In the United States, about 795,000 people suffer a stroke each year, that’s every 40 seconds, and every 4 minutes someone dies. There are more than 140,000 deaths each year from strokes. Statistics show that about 40 percent of deaths occur in males and 60 percent in females. This is also the leading cause of ...

Raven Montmorency

Illustration of a brain having a stroke.

A Stranger’s Act of Kindness Uplifts Mother Battling Postnatal Depression

Postnatal depression (PND) is a serious condition affecting one in seven mothers or pregnant women, and it should not be ignored. It can become easy for mothers to not talk about this due to embarrassment; as mothers, we have so many pressures on us, and many people might think staying at home is fun. Let me assure ...

Wilma Oakes

A new mother with postnatal depression.

Your Imperfections Could Really Be a Blessing

Having an odd-shaped nose or big bottom is usually not considered beautiful, but we have good news for those of you who may be unhappy with your body image. Having these so-called imperfections is actually good. If you have the following physical imperfections, they are actually good Big bottom Many studies have shown lower levels of bad cholesterol ...

Raven Montmorency

Diverse models in bodysuits posing for the camera.

These Fruits Can Keep Your Muscles Strong

Within the flesh, skin, and seeds of many fruits and vegetables lie hidden chemical compounds that can increase longevity and help to maintain a healthy body into old age. We’ve always known these natural foods are good for us, but now science is discovering new uses for common fruits we’ve been eating for thousands of ...

Emma Lu

Two red apples sitting on a wooden surface.

Shuping Wang: The Forgotten Whistleblower

On September 21, 2019, a 59-year-old Chinese woman died of a heart attack in a hospital in Utah. Her name was Shuping Wang. Before coming to America, she was a doctor in Henan, China. Shuping Wang was also the whistleblower who exposed the Henan AIDS epidemic more than 20 years ago. She exposed dangerous practices ...

Max Lu

Shuping Wang.

4 Acupoints to Control Blood Sugar and Diabetes

The pleasantries of life come in all colors and flavors when it comes to sugary and oily foods. Diabetes is mainly caused by too much of the “sweet and oily life.” If you have high blood sugar continuously, the cause is most probably the types of food you eat and the amount you consume in ...

Hermann Rohr

Feet at the beach covered in sand.

Try Nordic Pole Walking for a Full Body Workout

Walking is an excellent low-impact exercise that is achievable for people of all ages. If you try Nordic Pole Walking for just 20 minutes a day, you can expect to feel more energetic, experience improved mental health, sleep better, and even slow aging. Walking is so simple and comes at virtually no cost, unless you count in ...

Raven Montmorency

Hiking poles lean against a rock with a blue water bottle sitting on it with mountains seen in the background.

10 Tips for Cancer Prevention

Three academicians — Hao Xishan, Sun Yan, and Zeng Yixin from the Chinese Academy of Engineering — are experts in cancer prevention and treatment. Here are their 10 tips for cancer prevention 1. Maintain a healthy weight This is the finding of five-year research conducted by 21 scientists around the world, and it‘s the first one on the list as it ...

Emma Lu

Overweight woman uses a measuring tape to check her waist size.

4 Reasons Why a Person Has White Hair

We judge that a person is old if they have white hair. As we grow older, most people want to look younger and reduce the signs of aging on their faces and bodies. However, aging is a natural physiological process. The functioning of one’s organs will gradually decline with age. More than that, one’s hair will ...

Raven Montmorency

Close-up portrait of gray haired bearded male dressed in a black leather jacket.