alcohol, avoid, exercise, food, health, massage, shower, sleep

Avoid Taking a Shower Under These 7 Conditions

During the cold winter months, people inevitably take a hot shower or soak comfortably in a warm bath. However, unknown to most people, there are times when you should avoid taking a hot shower. Avoid showering in the following 7 situations 1. Immediately after meals After consuming a meal and when the stomach is full, ...

Emma Lu

Bath towels.

4 Painful but Beneficial Situations

Most people seek comfort in life, ignoring the fact that risks might be hidden there. However, things that make you suffer might be blessings in disguise, because they force you to think things over and grow, which often leads to a beneficial outcome. 4 situations that seem distressing in the beginning, but turn out to ...

Nspirement Staff

A woman with outstretched arms at sunset.

The Pros and Cons of Going Green: Why Veganism Might Not Be For You

Ready to ditch bacon and steak and embrace the vegan lifestyle? Before you dive into the green diet just yet, here’s everything you’ll want to know about the world of veganism.  Being vegan shares similarities with being vegetarian, meaning your diet cannot include any type or form of meat, including fish and shellfish — basically, ...

Arianne Ayson

Eating a vegan meal.

Protein Powder and Its Negative Side Effects  

Protein powder is a must-have in most health and fitness programs. There are many different protein powders available — each with its unique benefits. It’s important to consider the specific type of protein powder you will use because certain products may not be designed for your goals.  Protein is essential for helping your body repair, ...

Viena Abdon

A man drinking a protein shake.

10 Tips on How to Limit Screen Time for Children

Screen time. You love it, your children love it, but is it really good for them? Turns out that the jury is still out on that one. Perhaps your children are spending too much time on the screen, or you’re worried about the negative effects of screens on developing brains. We’ve got some tips on ...

Raven Montmorency

A mother scolding her young daughter for being on the phone.

The Elixir of Good Health: ‘Honesty’ 

Honesty is one of the essential virtues of being a human being. Being honest with each other can establish good communication, while lying has negative consequences. We all know that lies will eventually see the light of day. A scientific study on “honesty” found that telling the truth over a long period of time had ...

Helen London

A smiling African American couple.

The Astonishing Impact of Our Thoughts 

“Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.” — Buddha  Much like clouds floating across the afternoon sky, a multitude of thoughts come and go through our minds each day. In fact, a 2020 study found that the average person has over 6,000 thoughts per day. That’s a lot of thinking!   But how many ...

Tatiana Denning

Serious young woman lost in her thoughts.

Jennifer Garner Makes a Solid Impression With Her Fitness Skills 

It’s hard to believe that Jennifer Garner has turned 50! While many celebrities have undergone cosmetic surgeries to defy the signs of aging, Jennifer is not one of them. High-profile models and actors often undergo the scalpel in hopes of looking younger than their age, often with mixed outcomes. However, only a handful of celebrities ...

Raven Montmorency

Jennifer Garner.

Tiredness and Fatigue Are Different: How to Cope With the Latter

Not everyone has the same energy levels, but fatigue sometimes sets in. Sometimes, it can be hard to differentiate between regular tiredness and fatigue. However, it would be best to learn the difference between the two to ensure your health is not adversely impacted. Sleep health expert Shelby Harris says: “Fatigue and sleepiness are a ...

Emma Lu

A woman lying in bed with no energy.

Your Thoughts Can Affect Your Health

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, and researcher, is the author of the bestseller Power vs. Force. He discovered that when you harbor negative thoughts — such as complaints, accusations, or hatred — toward others, you reduce your energy level and carry a low vibration frequency. Vibration frequency is often referred to as a magnetic field. Dr. Hawkins believes ...

Kathy McWilliams

Positive thoughts give off positive energy.