Health by Nature, Featured

A Recipe to Stop Coughing

When a cough afflicts one, there is coughing in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night. When the coughing won’t stop, it is devastating. There is a simple recipe that stops coughing that is comprised of two common ingredients. By combining white radish and honey, you can quickly relieve any cough! White radish and ...

David Jirard

A woman dry coughing.

Unveiling the Superpowers of Kiwifruit: A Guide to This Nutritional Powerhouse

Kiwifruit, often hailed as the “king of fruits,” “gold in fruit,” and “the vitamin C king,” is a superfruit known for its high nutritional value and low-calorie content. But what are the fruit’s benefits, and how can you maximize its nutritional potential? How do you choose the right fruit, and is there a difference between ...

Max Lu

Kiwi fruit on a plate.

LinkedIn Marketing for Real Estate: Embracing Quality Over Quantity

The real estate sector, characterized by its dynamic nature and competitive landscape, has always been reliant on effective marketing strategies. LinkedIn marketing for real estate is one of the most highly searched keywords; however, there is a new trend that businesses need to be aware of when it comes to past practices and the standards ...

Hermann Rohr

The LinkedIn app on a smartphone.

The Miraculous Benefits of Potato Juice for Your Beauty Routine

Potatoes are not just a staple in our diets; they’re also a hidden gem in the beauty world. Beloved by many for their versatility in the kitchen, potato juice also offers a range of benefits for your skin and hair. In this blog post, we’ll explore the surprising effects of this amazing juice and how ...

Max Lu

A basket of white potatoes.

Heartbreak Healing: Movie Picks to Recover from a Breakup

When your heart is shattered into a million pieces after the breakup of a relationship, sometimes the only thing that can make you feel human again is getting lost in a movie. Curling up on the couch while watching a film that mirrors your misery or inspires hope for the future can be just the ...

Viena Abdon

Young woman curled up on the couch crying.

England’s Escalating Homelessness Crisis: Causes and the Current Situation

England has had a significant rise in homelessness over the past few years. This is a problem that needs to be fixed right away. Things like high living costs, a lack of social housing, fewer support services, mental health problems, drug problems, and family issues cause this crisis. Many people could lose their homes because ...

Viena Abdon

Homelessness in England.

Farmer Gifts Wife 80 Acres of Sunflowers for Golden Anniversary

In the quiet town of Pratt, Kansas, a heartwarming story captured the hearts of many as farmer Lee Wilson surprised his beloved wife Renee for their golden anniversary. And it’s not just an ordinary flower bouquet and chocolates surprise. Wilson planted 80 acres of land with bright yellow sunflowers, a favorite of his wife. Lee ...

Viena Abdon

A field of sunflowers.

A 10-Yuan Note to Freedom: The Ingenious Escape of Xiao Jia

In a world where we often take the smallest denominations of currency for granted, a young man from Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, turned a 10-yuan note into his lifeline. This is the story of Xiao Jia, whose quick thinking and resilience led to a dramatic escape from illegal captivity.  The lure of a new friendship Xiao ...

Max Lu

Man holding a smartphone and looking at the icons for his apps.

Honey for Cough Relief: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

As the colder months approach, bringing with them drier air, there’s a notable rise in respiratory conditions, like viral infections and pneumonia. A common symptom among these is coughing, a distressing and often persistent issue. Traditional Chinese medicine, rooted in centuries of practice and wisdom, suggests a surprisingly simple yet effective cough relief remedy: honey. ...

Mikel Davis

A coughing woman.

The Longing for an Original Life Led Her up to the Alm Almerin

Some embark on extraordinary journeys to seek answers in a world filled with questions about what happens after people leave this earthly realm. Marie Johanne Croteau-Meurois, the author of the book Souls Who Leave Us, yearned for a life filled with purpose and authenticity that went beyond the ordinary.  Her quest for an actual existence ...

Emma Lu

Ghostly image of a woman standing beside a lake in a mist-covered forest.