Self Improvement, Featured

Rising Above Problems: 7 Tips on How to Confront Tough Times

You’ve been thrown another curveball by life, haven’t you? When challenges arise and things feel hard, feeling overwhelmed and stuck is easy.  However, you have the power within you to rise above your problems. You have the strength, determination, and resilience to push through even the darkest days. Here are some tips to help you ...

Viena Abdon

Sad young man sitting on the beach in winter.

Navigating Differences: 6 Tips on How to Disagree Without the Sting

In the tapestry of human interactions, differences and disagreements add depth and diversity to the fabric of conversation. Navigating differences involves recognizing that everyone holds a unique viewpoint shaped by their experiences, values, and beliefs. It’s like sailing through stormy waters while keeping the boat steady. However, disagreeing while maintaining respectful communication can sometimes be ...

Viena Abdon

Talking heads.

Cherish These 3 Things in Life

Life is short, and we spend our lifetime without much regret. Here are some tips for you to consider. 3 things to cherish in life 1. The best investment is your health A classmate who has worked in a large company for many years after graduation resigned and returned to Wuhan from Shanghai two years ...

Emma Lu

Two women stretching in an exercise class at the beach.

7 Signs of Mentally Strong People

Weak people quickly get angry and are prone to unpredictable outbursts of anger. Strong people are usually as calm as water and relatively peaceful. A person who is not strong inside is naturally not calm inside. A person who is not quiet in his heart will be in turmoil everywhere. Even the most minor things ...

Max Lu

A woman showing determination.

Strength of a Woman: Powerful Ways to Reconnect With Your Divine Feminine Energy

In the modern world, it’s easy to lose yourself in the fast-paced way of doing things. Everything revolves around hustling, achievements, and ceaseless grinding toward the next thing. Unfortunately, most women get caught up in their “masculine energy” and lose the connection to their “feminine energy.” In the traditional Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang, ...

Nathan Machoka

Islamic women laughing.

Healthy Habits Begin at Home: 5 Reasons to Keep a Clean Room

Maintaining a clean and organized living space might appear deceptively simple, yet its implications for your physical and mental well-being extend far beyond the surface. The concept of a clean room transcends mere aesthetics; it can profoundly enhance your overall quality of life.  Within the realm of this blog, you shall embark on an exploration ...

Viena Abdon

A clean and tidy living room.

Declutter and Organize Effortlessly using the SIMPLE Method

A messy room or house can feel chaotic. When items are cluttered, it’s like walking through a pile of the unknown, where it takes ages to find what you’re looking for. Additionally, seeing the clutter takes away your peace of mind and can even affect your productivity in completing other tasks around the house.  When ...

Arianne Ayson

A cluttered room piled full of boxes of junk.

To Avoid Having Regrets, Don’t Do These 6 Things

Throughout your lifetime, you have undoubtedly had some regrets. Perhaps some regrets were significant, while some were small, and you wish you had more guidance to do better next time. The good news is history has left us ancient wisdom to help guide us. One such example of wisdom comes from Kou Zhun, a famous ...

Tatiana Denning

A stack of Chinese money.

Calm in Chaos: 12 Ways to Boost Your Patience Quotient

The constant rush of modern life and the desire for instant results has made patience a rare commodity. Frustration sets in when you can’t have what you want, leaving you feeling stuck and disheartened. Many struggle with maintaining composure and grace during challenging moments, and being impatient can be a significant roadblock to personal growth ...

Viena Abdon

Woman stressing, overthinking events alone at home.

You Are as Free as You Are Self-Disciplined

A person’s level of freedom and success is intricately tied to their level of self-discipline. By fostering self-discipline, you can explore opportunities and help shape your destiny.  Let’s take a look at a couple of inspiring stories of people who have been able to do just that. High achievers are tenacious It is said that ...

Tatiana Denning
