Health, Featured

Foods That Protect Your Eyes

Nowadays, as people increase their screen time on mobile phones and computers, their eyes suffer more severe visual fatigue. Some direct effects of visual fatigue are myopia and accelerated eye aging. In addition to caring for your visual health by limiting the time you look at a screen, eating certain foods regularly can also protect ...

David Jirard

A woman's eyes.

The Health Benefits of Apples

As the proverb goes: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Modern research has also confirmed that eating apples helps prevent diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes, and several types of cancer. The nutritional content of different varieties varies greatly, and some common ways of eating them will significantly reduce their benefits. In ...

Emma Lu

Gala apples in a small wooden crate.

CBD Products: What Science Knows About CBD and What It Doesn’t

CBD has emerged as a prominent topic in mainstream media and natural healing circles. Marketed as a remedy for various conditions, such as insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, and depression, its popularity continues to grow. But how many of these claims are supported by science? Is it advisable to incorporate this into your daily regimen? Understanding ...

Nathan Machoka

CBD products on a store shelf.

How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets and Towels?

Everyone seems to have a different opinion regarding how often towels and bed sheets should be washed. While many people might wonder whether days or weeks is best, in one survey from the United Kingdom, almost half of single men reported not washing their sheets for up to four months. It’s pretty clear that four ...

Troy Oakes

Woman smelling a clean towel fresh from the dryer.

Why Are My Muscles Sore After Exercises?

As many of us hit the gym or go for a run to recover from the silly season, you might notice a bit of extra muscle soreness in your muscles. This is especially true if it has been a while between workouts. A common misunderstanding is that such soreness is due to lactic acid build-up ...

Troy Oakes

A male trainer is assisting a woman with an ab workout at the gym.

7 Shoes to Avoid According to Podiatrists

You probably don’t consider how your shoes affect your feet, but your podiatrist certainly does. The wrong shoes can lead to pain, injury, and long-term damage to your feet, ankles, and posture.  Before you slip on those stylish stilettos or lace up another pair of bargain flip-flops, become aware of the damage they can do ...

Viena Abdon

A young woman putting on a pair of red high heel shoes.

Rejuvenating Body and Mind: 5 Effective Methods to Combat Chronic Inflammation

Modern life can be exhausting, and those sandwiched between caring for both older and younger family members feel it even more. According to clinical experts, 80-90 percent of patients exhibit some level of fatigue. This is often due to chronic inflammation in the body. Let’s explore five methods to address inflammatory conditions and alleviate physical ...

Mikel Davis

Bearded man wearing a suit and tie sitting at his desk with eyes closed and with sticky notes that have open eyes drawn on them stuck to his face.

Doctors Say These 8 Motions Are Particularly Harmful to the Body

How aware are you of your body’s movements? In your daily life, you are accustomed to taking many actions that may cause damage to your body. Here are eight such positions or activities that doctors suggest people avoid. 8 motions that can harm the body 1. Bending over to lift heavy objects Bending over to ...

Emma Lu

A man with lower back pain.

5 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies and How to Supplement Them

Despite modern diets being rich and varied, many people still experience inadequate nutrient intake. This deficiency isn’t just influenced by genetics or physical health; environmental factors also play a significant role. The increasing pollution in our living spaces, coupled with shorter fallow periods for agricultural land, has led to nutrient-depleted soil. Consequently, the crops grown ...

Emma Lu

Nutrient deficiency consultation.