breakfast food, cooking tips, eggs, food myths, healthy eating, nutrition

The Egg-cellent Guide to Enjoying Eggs: Debunking 5 Common Myths

Eggs are often hailed as a “complete nutrition food” due to their rich content of proteins, vitamins, and essential minerals. A single egg can significantly boost the body’s nutritional intake, making it a popular choice among people. However, despite their popularity, there are several misconceptions about the best ways to consume them. Let’s crack open ...

Max Lu

Plate of scrambled organic eggs served with bread toasted on a griddle pan.

Top 10 Ranking Foods for Summer

During the summer, we should eat nutritious foods that will help to build our immune system and increase our immunity in preparation for the winter season. The top 10 healthy foods ranked in order from 1 to 10 1. Eggs Eggs are a complete nutritional food. They are rich in complete proteins (they contain all ...

Tatiana Denning

A plate of scrambled eggs.

What Is Your Brain’s Favorite Food?

As we all know, the brain is a vital organ of the human body, and people of all ages need to nourish and strengthen it. What should we do in our daily life? In addition to ensuring enough sleep and moderate daily exercise, we can supplement this vital organ with many nutrients through food. 10 ...

Mikel Davis

A man's hands are held protectively around a plastic model of a brain.

4 Natural Ways to Ease Tension and Anxiety

Living a busy modern lifestyle can lead to anxiety and stress. People experiencing mental pressure might find themselves having some physiological changes, such as increased blood pressure and an accelerated heart rate, sleep disorders, decreased concentration, and digestive and reproductive system disorders.  Psychologist Yu Jiarong, director of Taipei Children’s Companion Psychotherapy Institute, recommends four methods ...

Max Lu

Anxious man in business suit sitting outdoors with his back leaning against a building near modern office business center.

6 Foods That Will Boost a Woman’s Fertility

If you are planning on becoming pregnant, one thing you should prioritize is a diet that can increase fertility. Nutrition is essential in optimizing your fertility in the long run. And this is the simplest thing you can do to prepare your body for conception or keep it in shape. Eating healthy foods, especially fertility ...

Viena Abdon

Organic berries.

4 Benefits of Eating Eggs

Many people wonder whether eating eggs is healthy. The appearance of the egg is smooth and even, with a shiny surface that has fine clean pores. Its oval shape and fragile feel make it immediately recognizable. The difference between eggs with different shell colors is in the breed of the hen that laid them, but ...

David Jirard

A bowl of brown and white eggs.

6 Foods That Help You Guard Against Cancer

In modern society the incidence of cancer is high, raising the question as to what exactly causes it to be so prevalent these days. Whatever the reason, it has been noted that cancer patients who receive early medical treatment and adjust their lifestyles and diets have successfully eradicated the rogue cells and restored their health. ...

Emma Lu

Roasted pork with shiitake mushrooms and broccoli.

6 Foods for Healthy Hair

Starting a diet for healthy hair today will mean a more gorgeous head of hair within six months to a year, depending on how fast your hair grows. Eat these foods for shiny, lustrous locks. Foods to eat for healthy hair 1. Spinach This leafy vegetable is excellent for your body for many reasons, not ...

Raven Montmorency

Best foods for healthy hair such as salmon, spinach, almonds, sweet potatoes, eggs, walnuts, cabbage, cheese, red pepper, banana and soy are sitting on a table with blocks spelling out 'hair food'.

3 Foods That Reduce Uric Acid Buildup in the Body

Every day the human body generates about 600 mg of uric acid, which is a normal by-product of metabolism. The body excretes uric acid in sufficient quantities to ensure that what remains in the bloodstream is in balance and will not lead to uric acid buildup in the body.  In some cases, however, the uric acid stays in the human body and causes high concentrations, ...

Helen London

Tofu and soy beans on a kitchen table.

The Benefits of Eating Eggs Daily

What, if any, are the drawbacks or benefits of eating eggs? An egg is considered to be one of the most nutritionally complete foods. It is known as the “Complete Protein Model” by nutritionists. For many years, Western nutritionists believed that eating eggs was bad for patients with high cholesterol. But that no longer seems ...

Helen London

A basket of brown eggs.